Shattered Empire 2, brought to you by Marvel Comics, represents the second installment in the Star Wars: Shattered Empire limited series. The narrative is crafted by Greg Rucka, with visual artistry provided by Marco Checchetto, Emilio Laiso, and Angel Unzueta. Its release date was October 7, 2015.
Greg Rucka (PUNISHER, WOLVERINE, Gotham Central) and artist Marco Checchetto (AVENGERS WORLD, PUNISHER) invite you to journey into the uncharted territory following Return of the Jedi within the new Star Wars canon! Witness the aftermath of the second Death Star's destruction and the ensuing turmoil in a Shattered Empire.
Lieutenant Gulin informs Captain Lerr Duvat aboard the Star Destroyer Torment that the "messenger" has made their arrival. The captain commands that the bridge be emptied. The messenger, adorned in red robes and a featureless black helmet, enters and confirms Duvat's identity via a blood test. A hologram of Emperor Palpatine's face materializes within the messenger's helmet, bestowing upon Duvat and a select group of Imperial officers the "honor" of eradicating the Rebel Alliance through the implementation of Operation: Cinder. Duvat relays to his lieutenant that he has received a direct communication from the Emperor. When Gulin points out the Emperor's demise, Duvat rebukes him, labeling the statement as treasonous Rebel propaganda, and orders a change of course.
Shara Bey and her A-Wing squadron are clearing the skies above Cawa City on the planet Sterdic IV, eliminating TIE fighters to enable Feral Group's Y-wings to deploy magnetic cluster bombs, thereby destroying an AT-AT. Post-mission, Bey converses with the squadron's acting commander, L'ulo L'ampar, regarding her family. She has been in contact with her father and her son, Poe, but her husband, Kes, is unreachable due to a classified mission. L'ampar proposes attempting to assign her to lighter duties for the coming days.
Bey's light duties involve piloting for Princess Leia Organa as she arrives with the Alliance Fleet at Muster Point: Vergance. She sees Leia in conversation with Mon Mothma in the docking bay. Leia expresses her reluctance to leave the fleet during such a crucial time, but Mothma assures her that her skills and reputation are essential for the mission ahead. Aboard their shuttle, a GX1 short hauler, Leia informs Bey that they will travel without escort to maintain discretion, and that the navicomputer is pre-programmed for security. While in hyperspace, Bey prepares a beverage for Leia and discovers her composing a letter of condolence to the family of Able Nereno, a Rodian nurse who perished on the medical frigate Redemption during the Battle of Endor. Leia notes that while Crix Madine utilizes a protocol droid for his correspondence, she favors a personal touch.
Bey and Leia reach their destination: Theed, the capital of Naboo. Bey expresses surprise at the city's pristine condition, considering Palpatine's origins there. Leia explains that the Emperor capitalized on Naboo's fear, holding the power to obliterate his home planet and its inhabitants instantly, as he did with Alderaan. They are greeted by Governor Donta Gesset, who extends a welcome on behalf of Queen Soruna. Leia meets with Soruna at the Theed Royal Palace, requesting assistance in establishing a new governmental structure and restoring the senate. As Soruna pledges her support, a guard interrupts, reporting interference with Naboo's orbital sensors and communications. Suddenly, an electrical storm erupts.
Above Naboo, Captain Duvat initiates his phase of Operation: Cinder. The Torment is disrupting Naboo's sensors and signals, and has deployed a [climate disruption array](/article/climate_disruption_array] to generate hurricanes on the planet's surface. Duvat informs Gulin of their mission: "Under the Emperor's command, Naboo is to be obliterated."
- UPC 759606081998; October 7 , 2015 ; Marvel Comics [1] 00211; Cover A; Marco Checchetto 00221; Cover B; Kris Anka 00231; Cover C; Lucasfilm Ltd.