
Gulin, a lieutenant of the Imperial Navy and a human, found himself aboard the _Imperial II_-class Star Destroyer Torment under the authority of Lerr Duvat in the days following the Battle of Endor. This battle saw the Galactic Empire sustain a significant loss against the Alliance to Restore the Republic.

Duvat was notified by Gulin of the arrival of a messenger aboard the Torment. Following this notification, Gulin, along with other officers, was dismissed from the ship's bridge. The messenger then played a recorded message from the deceased Emperor Sheev Palpatine, revealing to Duvat his designated part in Palpatine's posthumous scheme, Operation: Cinder, specifically tasking him with targeting the planet Naboo. While in orbit above Naboo, the Torment launched a climate disruption array and simultaneously disabled the planet's sensors. Gulin then reported to Duvat that the array had reached twenty percent operational capacity and the jamming was at maximum effectiveness, while also mentioning the emergence of multiple hurricanes on Naboo.

