Shattered Empire 3

title: Shattered Empire 3

Shattered Empire 3, penned by Greg Rucka and illustrated by Marco Checchetto, represents the third installment in the Marvel comic book miniseries, Star Wars: Shattered Empire. Its narrative bridges the gap between the events of Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi and Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens. This comic was made available on October 14, 2015.

Publisher's summary

This issue brings the inaugural comic story of the new canon, which is situated between Episodes VI and VII, to a close! As the Empire crumbles, our Rebel heroes are in a fight for a brighter future! Journey with Greg Rucka (Punisher, Cyclops, Wolverine) and Marco Checchetto (Punisher, Avengers World) into the past, to a galaxy far, far away!

Plot summary

Opening crawl

Operation: Cinder begins

Kes Dameron and Sakas are currently gathering intelligence at an Imperial Security Bureau (ISB) clandestine facility located on the Wretch of Tayron. With Han Solo's approval, they launch a rocket at the base, creating a breach in the southeastern perimeter wall. A scout trooper nearly shoots Dameron, but Chewbacca intervenes just in the nick of time. The Pathfinders strike team then regroups before infiltrating the base. Solo directs Chewbacca to find C-3PO so he can break the Imperial encryption. C-3PO voices his objection, stating that he wasn't built for combat.

On Naboo, Captain Korro informs Queen Soruna that the planet is experiencing an orbital attack, with the Gungans confirming the presence of typhoon-level storms across the globe. Shara Bey suggests to Leia Organa that an Imperial remnant is responsible, employing an orbital array to manipulate the weather. Leia acknowledges the need for ships and pilots to engage the array and Star Destroyer, but Korro explains that Naboo lacks starfighters and combat-trained pilots due to the Empire's demilitarization efforts years prior. Soruna counters that this is not entirely accurate. The starfighter bay wing of Theed Royal Palace was sealed off by Queen Neeyutnee after the invasion of Naboo, but the N-1 starfighters remained inside. Utilizing her royal authority, she lifts the seal. As Leia enters the bay, she is overcome with a cold sensation and experiences a vision of Darth Maul. Bey locates three functional fighters but expresses doubt about confronting the Imperial task force alone. Leia and Soruna both volunteer to pilot ships in the attack.

The commander of the ISB base instructs the stormtroopers to delay the Rebels to allow for a data purge, but he ends up surrendering after his troops are defeated. C-3PO begins hacking into the ISB computer system and is alarmed to discover that an Imperial program known as Operation: Cinder is underway, targeting various locations specified by the Emperor, including Naboo.

Battle for Naboo

Captain Korro strongly protests Queen Soruna's decision to participate in the mission, suggesting a handmaiden take her place, but she declines and orders him to continue the evacuation of Theed city. As Bey and her two royal wingmen take to the skies, Governor Gesset reports that the advisory council estimates the planet will become uninhabitable within one to two hours. Orbiting Naboo, the three pilots observe the satellite array responsible for the storms and the Star Destroyer Torment. Bey engages the Torment's TIE fighter squadron, while Leia and Soruna focus on destroying the satellites. Bey informs Leia that she has a husband and son, and she does not want them to receive a letter of condolence from her. As another TIE squadron launches from the Star Destroyer, Bey recognizes the overwhelming odds. As she states that it has been an honor flying with them, the Alliance cruiser Restoration emerges from hyperspace, with Lando Calrissian in the Mellcrawler II and a squadron of starfighters, providing relief to the Naboo fighters.

Back at Rebel Fleet Command, Leia inquires as to why Bey did not want her to write a letter to her family, and she explains that she did not want to add to Leia's burdens of command. Bey is then reunited with Dameron, and they share an embrace.



  • UPC 759606081998; October 14 , 2015 ; Marvel Comics [1] 00311; Cover A; Marco Checchetto 00321; Cover B; Mike Deodato, Jr. 00331; Cover C; Lucasfilm Ltd.

