Following the Clone Wars, various resistance movements known as Rebel cells emerged to oppose the rule of the Galactic Empire. Many of these cells eventually united to form the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Some examples of these groups include:
- Amidalans: A resistance organization established by Sabé with the purpose of avenging Padmé Amidala.
- Anklebiter Brigade: A rebel faction that operated on Coruscant during the Coruscant civil war.
- Anto Kreegyr's group: A rebel force commanded by Anto Kreegyr, a former military leader from the Confederacy of Independent Systems.
- Atrivis Resistance Group: A rebel unit active in the Atrivis sector, under the leadership of Travia Chan.
- Axis Network: A network of interconnected cells supplied and informed by Luthen Rael.
- Bail Organa's resistance movement: Covert resistance forces directed by Bail Organa.
- Batonn insurgents: A rebel uprising taking place on Batonn and spearheaded by Nightswan.
- Berch Teller's rebel cell: A rebel unit under the command of Berch Teller.
- Blue's partisans: A militant division, led by the Devaronian Blue, operating within the Five Points system.
- Cobalt Laborers' Reformation Front: An anti-imperial movement on Sullust, previously headed by Biyel Broan.
- Christophsis insurgents: A rebel unit operating on Christophsis.
- Cloud-Riders: A pirate resistance group led by Enfys Nest.
- Commenor Underground: A rebel unit active on Commenor.
- Corellian Resistance: A resistance organization based on Corellia.
- Deep Fathom: A resistance group, formerly known as Deep Current, specializing in intelligence gathering and led by Saltbite.
- Denash insurgents: A rebel uprising on Denash later led by Nightswan.
- Duros resistance: A resistance group originating from Duros.
- Eighth Division: A rebel unit within the Alliance Fleet.
- Fourth Division: A rebel cell of the Alliance Fleet led by Commander Grek.
- Freemarch: A resistance group operating on Lorrd and the Corporate Sector, led by Marilena Pet-and-Ella Alda Mattea.
- Free Ryloth Movement: A rebel unit operating on Ryloth, led by General Cham Syndulla.
- Garel City cell: A rebel unit in Garel City led by members of the Leonis family, Spanjaf family, and Statura family.
- Ghorman Front: A rebel cell that operated on the planet Ghorman.
- Ibaar rebel network: A resistance network on Ibaar.
- Iron Squadron: A rebel group operating on Mykapo.
- Klonoid Rebel cell: A rebel unit operating on Klonoid.
- Liberators: A rebel group on Mantooine.
- Lothal resistance group: A rebel unit operating on Lothal, led by Ryder Azadi.
- Massassi Group: A rebel unit led by General Jan Dodonna.
- Mandalorian resistance: A collection of Mandalorian clans led by Bo-Katan Kryze.
- Maya Pei's cell: A rebel unit led by Maya Pei.
- Mon Cal: A Mon Calamari resistance group.
- Mon Mothma's rebel cell: A rebel unit led by Senator Mon Mothma.
- Mykapo insurgents: Insurgents located on Mykapo.
- Neo-Separatist Coalition: A militia composed of former separatists aiming to reestablish the Confederacy of Independent Systems.
- Partisans: An extremist rebel group led by Saw Gerrera.
- Phoenix Cell: A rebel unit led by Commander Jun Sato.
- Raada resistance: A rebel group on Raada led by Ahsoka Tano.
- Ryden's rebel cell: A rebel unit led by Ryden.
- Sammun insurgents: A rebel insurgency on Sammun later led by Nightswan.
- Spectres: A rebel unit primarily based around the Lothal sector, co-led by Kanan Jarrus and Hera Syndulla.
- Stinger Mantis crew: A rebel unit led by Jedi Knight Cal Kestis
- Sullustan resistance: A rebel group on Sullust led by Nien Nunb.
- Saponza's Gang: A rebel unit from Tatooine led by Saponza.
- Unidentified Rebel cell: A resistance group that participated in the Battle of Hoth.
- Unidentified rebel cell (Sullust): A rebel unit on Sullust
- Wookiee underground: A clandestine Wookiee resistance group led by Tarfful.
- Alderaanian Resistance: A resistance group commanded by Bail Prestor Organa of Alderaan.
- Atrivis Resistance Group: A resistance group situated in the Atrivis sector.
- Benthar's Boys: A rebel group led by Benthar.
- Chandrilan resistance: A resistance movement led by Mon Mothma of Chandrila.
- Corellian Resistance: A rebel group led by Garm Bel Iblis of Corellia.
- Dantooine rebels: A resistance group on Dantooine.
- Duros resistance: A resistance group originating from Duros.
- Justice Action Network (JAN): A rebel cell/terrorist group from Alderaan led by the parents of Jan Ors and Earnst Kamiel.
- Kota's Militia: A militia unit under Rahm Kota.
- Hargeeva rebel cell: A rebel group on Hargeeva.
- Lan Barell rebel cell: A rebel group on Lan Barell.
- Mantooine Liberators: A rebel group on Mantooine.
- Mon Calamari Resistance: A rebel group operating on Dac/Mon Cala comprised of Mon Calamari and Quarren.
- Sarrahban rebel cell: A rebel group on Sarrahban.
- Spira rebel cell: A rebel group on Spira.
- Sullustan Resistance: A rebel group on Sullust led by Sian Tevv.
- Unforgettables: A rebel group later condemned by both the Galactic Empire and Rebel Alliance.
- Vibroblade gang: A rebel group based in the city of Starpoint on Draenell's Point led by Herafin and were later allied with Benthar's Boys when they joined the Rebel Alliance.
- Whiplash: A rebel group on Coruscant.
- Walin'or cell: A rebel group on Walin'or.
- Kashyyyk Resistance: A Wookiee resistance movement.
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