Hargeeva, a world within the Expansion Region, held the position as the third planet out of five in the Pelonat system and was situated close to Garen IV. A local day on Hargeeva lasted 23 standard hours, and its year consisted of 380 local days. Colonization occurred in 2000 BBY; however, the world faced neglect, leading its society to develop into a feudal system. Within this system, nobles dispatched their sons to gain military experience within the local royal guard.
The Galactic Empire discovered the planet's abundant mineral resources, including coralline and ostrine, leading to the world's subjugation. The Empire established a garrison and constructed advanced refineries. Makintay, the local leader, was appointed as Imperial Governor by the Empire. Among the planet's six cities was Arginall City, which served as the capital.
Merak and Stevan Makintay, the Governor's eldest son who had been disinherited, spearheaded the initial Rebel uprising within Arginall City.
A local individual named Ketrian Altronel discovered a method to transform ostrine into a substance capable of absorbing heat. Ketrian then defected to the Rebel Alliance, incorporating her ostrine-derived absorbent into the housings of X-wing cannons, thereby enhancing their firepower.