Stevan Makintay

Stevan Makintay, often called "Mak," was a Human male born on the planet of Hargeeva. As the offspring of the world's High King, Makintay's upbringing was steeped in wealth and privilege. Despite his noble lineage, Lord Makintay, as he was addressed, believed in the equality of all beings. In 7 BBY, when the Galactic Empire annexed Hargeeva, Makintay seized the opportunity to enroll in the Imperial Academy to master the art of piloting starfighters. Upon his return, he found himself deeply in love with a commoner named Ketrian Altronel, and declared his intention to marry her. This decision, coupled with his vocal opposition to his father's oppressive treatment of Hargeeva's lower classes, resulted in his disinheritance by his father. Furthermore, his father orchestrated his abduction and incarceration at the Imperial penal colony situated on Garen IV. Makintay managed to escape with the assistance of his friend, the Sullustan Merinda Niemeh, and the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Returning to Hargeeva, Makintay established a small Rebel cell on the planet. This movement gained momentum, escalating into an uprising that was brutally suppressed by Imperial forces under the command of Major Nial Pedrin. Makintay fled Hargeeva, ultimately joining the Alliance.

Serving the Alliance, Makintay piloted T-65 X-wing starfighters and was stationed at Echo Base on Hoth as a member of the fighter squadron. During the evacuation prompted by the discovery of the base by Imperial forces, Makintay participated in Rogue Squadron, piloting snowspeeders. As Rogue Nine, with Barlon Hightower as his gunner, they survived the battle and successfully evacuated Hoth. Subsequently, Makintay was reassigned to Eyrie Base on Karatha, where he took command of Green Squadron. Facing a critical shortage of supplies and replacement parts for the Alliance, Makintay embarked on a perilous mission to Hargeeva to contact his former fiancée, Ketrian Altronel, and persuade her to join the Alliance. However, Altronel harbored the belief that Makintay had abandoned her for a life among the stars, unaware of his father's manipulations. During their rendezvous, Imperial forces apprehended them, arranging for their transport to the Imperial capital of Coruscant. En route, they were rescued by Makintay's comrades from Eyrie Base. Upon learning the truth about Makintay's disappearance and discovering that the Empire had killed her friend, Alikka Nolan, Altronel agreed to join the Alliance.

However, Altronel had been deliberately poisoned with Xebonica during the planned journey to Coruscant, with regular doses of the antidote, Trypanid, being administered. Imperial protocol for Class A Security Risks like Altronel—whose metallurgical work had yielded a novel alloy with exceptional heat-absorption properties—involved poisoning them during transit from secure locations, while suppressing the effects to prevent defection or liability as prisoners. Although the Alliance possessed knowledge of the standard treatment for such poisonings, it proved ineffective in Altronel's case. Makintay and Merinda Niemeh traveled back to Hargeeva to capture Major Pedrin, the individual responsible for Altronel's initial infection, believing that he possessed the only cure for the new compound. Despite the success of their mission, upon returning to Eyrie Base, Makintay discovered that Altronel's condition was not caused by Pedrin, but by a fellow Hargeevan, Assistant Medic Astina Griek, who blamed Altronel's work for the deaths of her husband and son at the hands of the Empire. Makintay confronted Griek, who also possessed an antidote to cure Altronel. Subsequently, a struggle with Pedrin ensued as he sought to escape Alliance custody. Makintay was stabbed in the back, and Griek was killed by a blaster fired by Pedrin. The Major was then stunned and captured by Alliance forces, Altronel was cured with Griek's antidote, and Makintay recovered from his injuries.


The man who would be king

Stevan Makintay, frequently known as "Mak," entered the world in 25 BBY on the planet of Hargeeva, situated within the Expansion Region. As a feudal society, Hargeeva was governed by a royal family, with Makintay's father holding the position of the planet's High King. Raised within the palace located in Arginall City, Makintay—known by his title of "Lord"—experienced a life of wealth, receiving an extensive education and pursuing noble endeavors. In 17 BBY, on his eighth birthday, Makintay underwent the customary training with his father's Palace Guard, where he honed his skills as an excellent swordsman.

In 7 BBY, the Galactic Empire annexed Hargeeva upon discovering extensive mineral deposits within the planet's mountain ranges. Makintay's father was elevated to the Imperial rank of governor, initially met with enthusiasm by the population due to the influx of wealth and technology. However, these benefits were largely confined to the elite of Hargeevan society, with the impoverished lower classes experiencing little improvement. The Empire established a garrison and refinery on the planet under the command of Major Nial Pedrin, a former AT-AT platoon commander whose cross-training in geology made him ideally suited for the assignment. Meanwhile, Makintay capitalized on the Imperial presence to attend the Imperial Academy, where he trained as a starfighter pilot and developed a passion for flying. Upon graduating, he returned to Hargeeva, joining his father's court. There, he witnessed his father's oppression of the masses and the injustices prevalent within Hargeevan society, leading him to vocally criticize his father and his policies. During this period, Makintay encountered Merinda Niemeh, a Sullustan technician employed by the High King to upgrade the equipment in his palace. The two formed a friendship, with the middle-aged Niemeh serving as a mentor to the young noble.

Ketrian Altronel, Makintay's betrothed

During a fencing class, Makintay crossed paths with Ketrian Altronel, a lowborn young woman studying metallurgical sciences. The pair fell in love, but Altronel's jealousy arose when a fellow student began pursuing Makintay, prompting her to challenge her rival to a duel. Makintay intervened to halt the confrontation, but Altronel inadvertently cut Makintay with her sword, leaving a scar from the corner of his right eye to his earlobe. Despite this incident, in 2 BBY Makintay declared his intention to marry Altronel. His father, who had arranged a marriage with a highborn noblewoman, vehemently opposed the union due to Altronel's lowborn status. Makintay persisted, leading to his disinheritance by his father. As Makintay and Altronel began planning their wedding, Makintay's father orchestrated his son's kidnapping by the Empire, sending him to a penal colony on Garen IV under a false identity. The High King informed Altronel that Makintay had abandoned her to pursue his passion for flying.

Following a year spent in the penal colony, Makintay escaped alongside several members of the Alliance to Restore the Republic during a raid. His friend, Merinda Niemeh, played a crucial role in uncovering the truth about Makintay's incarceration and facilitating his rescue. Indebted to the Rebels for his freedom, he secretly returned to Hargeeva and began organizing a rebel cell. However, the population's enthusiasm led to the movement's rapid and uncontrollable growth, culminating in an uprising that was suppressed by Imperial forces under Major Pedrin's command. Makintay and a few of his companions narrowly escaped off-planet, but his involvement was widely known. He was branded as an escaped felon on Hargeeva and marked with the death mark for his actions.

If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything

The twelve airspeeders of Rogue Group, including pilot Makintay, attack during the Battle of Hoth.

After his departure from Hargeeva, Makintay found employment as a tramp freighter pilot and smuggler, occasionally engaging with a pirate group led by an individual named Uskgarv. Eventually, he was contacted by the Alliance and joined their ranks, along with Merinda Niemeh. Assigned to the Starfighter Corps, Makintay utilized his flight skills to pilot T-65 X-wing starfighters. At some point, he attained command of a fighter squadron, but was later demoted. In 3 ABY, Makintay was stationed at the Alliance's Echo Base on the ice planet of Hoth as part of the starfighter complement. Shortly after achieving operational status, the base was discovered by Imperial forces, necessitating an immediate evacuation. Makintay was assigned to Rogue Squadron—a hastily assembled group of pilots from Rogue Group, Green and Blue Squadrons—tasked with delaying an incoming force of AT-AT walkers. Piloting as Rogue Nine, he was partnered with Barlon Hightower as his gunner. Makintay and Hightower's snowspeeder survived the battle, and the pair successfully evacuated the planet.

Following the defeat on Hoth, Makintay, now holding the rank of commander, was transferred to Eyrie Base, situated on the planet of Karatha in the Expansion Region. There, he assumed command of Green Squadron. With Echo Base lost, Eyrie Base became one of the Alliance installations tasked with providing assistance to Alliance High Command in establishing a new base. However, this placed Eyrie Base in a precarious situation, facing critical shortages of essential supplies, including food and spare parts necessary to keep its X-wings operational. In an attempt to alleviate the situation, Commander Biros Baran, the base's intelligence officer, informed Fighter Command about the discovery of a stray Imperial supply carrier. Makintay and his fellow squadron leaders requested additional fighter support to ensure the mission's success but were denied. Fighter Command cited the lack of time to repair grounded X-wings, while Intelligence assured them that the opposition would be minimal.

Makintay's squadron assault the Imperial supply carrier

Green and Blue Squadrons, supported by a Corellian CR90 corvette, attacked the supply carrier, jamming communications to its TIE/LN starfighter escort. The Alliance X-wings overwhelmed the carrier, nearly disabling the vessel when the TIE escort returned, having bypassed the Alliance's jamming signals. Makintay ordered a retreat, but one of his pilots, Dru Gifford, attempted a final attack on the ventral engine. Blue Squadron and the corvette followed Makintay's orders, but the remaining fighters of Green Squadron delayed their retreat. Gifford's actions attracted a TIE tail, prompting Makintay to attempt to rescue the young pilot. He managed to divert two of Gifford's pursuers but was unable to prevent the pilot's death. In the process, Makintay lost one of his fighter's port-side laser cannons and narrowly avoided colliding with the carrier's underbelly. Reiterating his orders for Green Squadron to withdraw, Makintay evaded pursuit and jumped to hyperspace.

Upon his return, Makintay intended to delay debriefing with Fighter Command and directly confront Commander Baran, vowing never to embark on another unprepared mission. However, he encountered Merinda Niemeh—now serving as Eyrie Base's Chief Technician—in the hangar, who convinced him to remain calm to avoid demotion. Makintay realized that losing command of the squadron would place a less skilled individual in charge of his pilots, endangering their safety, and relented. Niemeh informed him of her plan to secure the necessary parts for Eyrie Base without resorting to raiding missions, by enlisting experts capable of manufacturing replacement parts and supplies. Makintay immediately considered contacting Ketrian Altronel for her expertise in geology and metallurgy, and the plan received approval from Alliance High Command. A contact team was assembled to meet her on Hargeeva, led by the Alderaanian Merak. Despite knowing that Merak could handle the initial contact, Makintay maneuvered himself onto the team to meet with Altronel. Aware of the lies propagated by his father and the Empire regarding his disappearance from Hargeeva, Makintay felt compelled to explain everything to Altronel.

You can't go home again

Makintay pretends to take Altronel hostage

The team sought assistance from Alikka Nolan, a friend of Altronel's and a Rebel sympathizer who also held the position of personnel supervisor at the Arginall refinery. Nolan collaborated with Grathal, an antiques dealer, to arrange transportation for the pair to the warehouse serving as the team's base in Arginall City. Grathal encountered them at the Lantern Inn, discreetly leading them out the back to evade the guards Major Pedrin mandated accompany Altronel at all times, considering her a vital asset to the Empire. At the warehouse, Makintay convened with Altronel and attempted to elucidate the reasons for his disappearance. Altronel was incensed, convinced he had fled from his father's threats, abandoning her to her fate in space. Makintay disclosed the true circumstances of his absence, explaining that his failure to contact her during his previous return to Hargeeva was to shield her, as he was a wanted criminal, while she was secure in her Imperial position. He persuaded her to at least hear the Rebel contact team's proposition, but after an hour, Altronel declared the Alliance no different from the Empire; they were solely interested in exploiting her abilities, and she felt Makintay only cared about repairing his X-wings. With reluctance, Makintay conceded to escort Altronel and Nolan back to their residence. As they exited the warehouse, Imperial troops ambushed the Rebels inside; Altronel's guards, discovering her absence from the inn, extracted their location from Grathal upon his return after delivering Altronel and Nolan to the warehouse. Makintay attempted to shield both women from Imperial retribution by claiming they were his hostages, before all three were stunned into unconsciousness.

Imprisoned in the Imperial garrison, Makintay shared a cell with Nolan. Major Pedrin tried unsuccessfully to coerce Makintay into revealing Eyrie Base's location. Imperial High Command ordered Makintay's father—who had vowed never to speak to his son again—to offer his son complete restoration of his birthright in exchange for cooperation with the Empire, but Makintay remained defiant. Pedrin resorted to drugs, but Makintay had been rigorously trained to withstand Imperial interrogation. Traditional torture methods were employed, leaving Makintay with bruises and blood-stained garments. Drugs were also administered to Nolan, but their effects overwhelmed her heart, resulting in her death; Makintay cradled her as she passed away. With Makintay still steadfastly refusing to divulge Eyrie Base's location, Imperial High Command ordered his transfer to the Imperial capital, Coruscant, where specialized interrogation and torture experts would assume control. Bruised, bloodied, and shackled, Makintay was dragged to a waiting shuttle for transfer to a transport bound for Coruscant, where he discovered Altronel would be boarding the same shuttle.

Poisons, pirates, and deceit! A perilous predicament!

After a day into the voyage, Makintay was removed from his cramped cell aboard the transport and taken to a small room where he was secured to a chair. Altronel had secured permission from Pedrin to converse with Makintay, hoping to persuade him to reveal the location of his Rebel base. She had consented to assist Pedrin in exchange for the Major's freeing Nolan; Altronel was unaware of her friend's demise, as Pedrin falsely claimed she was still undergoing questioning. Makintay and Altronel conversed, and he informed her of Nolan's death, which deeply saddened and angered her. During their discussion, Makintay noticed Altronel was unwell; her skin had a greenish-yellow tinge, and her eyes appeared feverish. She attributed it to the constant hyperspace jumps of the transport, despite never having experienced space sick in the past. Makintay wondered if being stunned was responsible, but she explained that a medical droid had given her an injection to counteract the blast. The pilot surmised that Altronel had been poisoned by Pedrin; he had witnessed similar poisoning cases among Imperial defectors arriving at Eyrie Base. It was the Empire's method of ensuring that personnel classified as a Class A Security Risk would not become valuable defectors or healthy prisoners if captured during transport from secure areas. Regular injections of the prescribed antidote would suppress the drug's lethal effects until a comprehensive treatment regime could be implemented once the individual was secure. Knowing there was an antidote, Makintay decided not to alarm her with the details.

The transport came under attack by pirates, and a naval ensign entered the room to escort Altronel back to her cabin while the troopers aboard engaged the enemy. Feigning an ankle injury sustained during the initial attack, Altronel enticed the ensign closer, then struck him with a heavy object concealed in her pocket, rendering him unconscious. Altronel revealed to Makintay that it was her new alloy, a modified form of ostrine possessing heat-absorption properties. This was the reason for her transfer to Coruscant, as Imperial High Command recognized the immense potential of her discovery. Taking the ensign's uniform and weapon, Makintay kissed Altronel and reaffirmed his love before they departed the room to locate an escape pod and abandon ship. It soon became clear that the Empire was losing ground to the pirates, necessitating a more discreet route to avoid being caught in the crossfire. Makintay also realized that the attacking pirates were led by Uskgarv and consisted of methane-breathing Ghawems, who typically flooded captured decks with methane gas. They collaborated with a slave species, the Myills, who were oxygen-breathers. Both species wore breathers with their respective atmosphere during boarding operations, and Makintay hoped to acquire some oxygen breathers from the Myills. Despite her objections, Makintay insisted that Altronel conceal herself in the ship's internal conduits while he obtained the necessary supplies. She was constantly shivering, and Makintay worried about her health.

Makintay and Altronel hide aboard the Imperial transport

Makintay secured two oxygen breathers and several emergency survival packs, along with additional bruises and a minor cut on his forehead. He discovered that the pirates had driven the Imperials off the ship and that all the escape pods had been launched. Gathering supplies, he returned to the conduit where he had left Altronel. Relaying the disheartening news about the escape pods, Makintay revealed his new plan: remain hidden on the ship until it reached port, then sneak off. Altronel disliked the prospect of being taken to a pirate base, but Makintay argued that the chances of them taking the ship directly to a buyer were equally good. Altronel's condition continued to deteriorate, and she complained of feeling cold. Makintay's concern for her deepened, and he intended to seek assistance from the pirates if she worsened, knowing that the transport's sick bay contained a supply of the antidote. Altronel eventually realized that Makintay knew what was ailing her and demanded the truth. He told her, then resolved to seek help from Uskgarv, intending to leverage their past trading relationship.

Makintay left the conduit and found that most of the pirates, including Uskgarv, had departed the ship, leaving only a few Myills and their bosses to strip the vessel. Attack ships were approaching, and the pirates intended to evacuate before they arrived. Returning to Altronel, Makintay informed her about the incoming ships, which he presumed to be an Imperial rescue force. Knowing they could administer the antidote to Altronel, Makintay planned to remain hidden in the conduits and hope the Empire believed he had perished in the attack before abandoning ship. Altronel refused to leave Makintay's side again, unwilling to return to the Empire. She realized the ship's doctor had been administering the antidote to keep the poison in check during the voyage, and she intended to raid the transport's sick bay, retrieve the medicine, and hide out with Makintay until they could both escape. She also resolved to join the Alliance and share the secret of her new alloy to honor Alikka Nolan's death. Makintay insisted on accompanying her, and as they traversed the corridors, they were attacked by the new boarders. Makintay soon realized they were not pirates or stormtroopers, but Rebels led by his subordinate, Hal Dallin. Identifying himself, Makintay stepped into the corridor and confronted his friends, who had been actively searching for him since learning of his capture. Taken aboard the Alliance corvette that had rescued them, a doctor administered the antidote to Altronel.

Secure your premises, alert the authorities, Makintay has returned.

Makintay at Altronel's bedside

Upon returning to Eyrie Base, Makintay received treatment for his injuries from Doctor Tarrek, who induced a hypno-trance and employed anti-trauma de-programming to alleviate the psychological trauma of his torture and interrogation. Despite the antidote initially appearing to counteract the poison, Altronel's condition worsened, and she lapsed into a coma. Doctor Tarrek cared for her, experimenting with various antidotes in an attempt to cure her. Makintay remained by her bedside, blaming himself for her condition. While he logically understood that they would have administered the poison during any transfer operation due to her security classification, he believed that without his presence, she would have been safe and sound on Coruscant. Convinced that Pedrin must have created a new poison specifically for Altronel, Makintay resolved to return to Hargeeva and extract the answers from him. As he departed, he inadvertently collided with Assistant Medic Astina Griek, a lowborn Hargeevan with whom he had been friends since joining the Alliance. Despite their friendship, Griek remained intimidated by Hargeevan nobility and initially refused his apology, blaming herself for the accident until Makintay insisted otherwise.

The base commander, Colonel Farland, was away at Sector Command, forcing Makintay to seek approval for his mission from Commander Baran. However, the Intelligence Officer denied his request, deeming Makintay's return to Hargeeva an unacceptable security risk. Believing that the Hargeevan was too emotionally invested in the matter, he told Makintay that he should never have been allowed to return to his homeworld at all, and that Altronel's condition was his fault. Enraged, Makintay grabbed Baran by the collar, dragged him across the desk, and punched him, rendering him unconscious. In the hangar, Makintay realized that taking his X-wing to Hargeeva would be impossible without alerting the Empire to his presence. Chief Technician Niemeh, who had been aware of Makintay's original plan—which involved his entire squadron undertaking the mission—had ensured all their starfighters were in optimal condition. However, when Makintay revealed that he had punched Commander Baran and was undertaking the mission alone and without authorization, Niemeh disclosed that she had been working on an alternative plan involving a small, two-person freighter that Red Team had acquired on the planet Ongella in the Inner Rim. The Sullustan had stashed all the necessary supplies on board, including an R2-series astromech droid. Despite Makintay's attempts to dissuade Niemeh, she declared that she would travel to Hargeeva alone if necessary.

Upon arriving in Arginall City, the pair posed as off-world traders delivering technical equipment to the city's industrial sector. Infiltrating a communicator factory that supplied the Imperial garrison with repairs and replacements, Niemeh instructed the R2 unit she called Brain-Barrel to slice into Pedrin's personal files to find a file detailing the poison the Major had used. The droid failed to locate the information but discovered that Pedrin was being demoted for losing Makintay and Altronel and was scheduled to be shipped out the next day. Makintay enacted his backup plan, which involved confronting Pedrin and forcing him to talk. Altronel had provided Makintay with information about Pedrin's habits before falling into a coma, including the fact that he had a local mistress and never took a guard with him out of embarrassment. Makintay instructed Niemeh to wait for him at the ship.

Makintay sneaks up on Major Nial Pedrin

At the apartment of Pedrin's mistress—Thera Capens—Makintay evaded a stormtrooper patrol before ascending a safety exit ladder. Inside the apartment, Pedrin was assaulting Capens; Makintay forced the window open, then stunned the Major with his blaster. Capens expressed gratitude for the rescue, but Makintay realized that stunning Pedrin meant he would be unconscious for at least an hour and unable to answer questions. Makintay and Capens exchanged stories; he explained about Altronel, and she recounted how Pedrin had threatened her friends and forced her to become his mistress. Upon learning about Pedrin's impending transfer, Capens pointed out that Makintay's actions would delay his departure due to the need to investigate the incident. Capens realized that Makintay did not have enough time to properly interrogate the Major before his guards returned at dawn and offered to help the Rebel move Pedrin elsewhere by calling a friend with a motor-sled. Once Makintay revealed he had a ship, Capens requested to be taken off-world to avoid reprisals, which Makintay agreed to.

Perplexity reigns, a truly unfortunate situation.

Makintay and Capens transported Pedrin to the freighter, departed Hargeeva, and jumped to hyperspace. Makintay waited for Pedrin to regain consciousness, then assaulted and threatened the Major, demanding to know what poison had been used and what the antidote was. Assuming that the Alliance might be unable to alleviate Altronel's symptoms caused by the security drug, Pedrin surmised that Makintay would return to confront him. In preparation, he had had a transponder micro-beacon implanted under his skin that could track him through hyperspace. Pedrin had only intended to use it to capture Makintay while on Hargeeva, but his superiors had decided to overrule him and track Pedrin to Eyrie Base itself. In an effort to buy time for the Imperial Fleet to track him, Pedrin revealed that the poison used was a standard one, treated with Trypanid. Makintay countered that their doctor had tried the drug, and it had not worked. Pedrin insisted he was telling the truth.

Admitting that he lacked the stomach for a full interrogation, Makintay intended to call Colonel Farland at Sector Command and request a full interrogation team meet them away from Eyrie Base in case the Empire was tracking the vessel. Makintay was convinced that Pedrin was hiding something, as he was unperturbed to see Makintay and did not react upon learning that Altronel was with the Alliance. Capens, overhearing the conversation about tracking devices, inquired about their size. Niemeh indicated a small size, and Capens revealed that when Pedrin had visited her, she had touched his left arm and felt a small, hard bump under the skin. The touch had caused Pedrin discomfort, and he claimed to have had surgery. Retrieving a medkit, Makintay removed the transponder from Pedrin's arm, then bluffed the Major into believing he was going to allow Capens to exact revenge on him for all the beatings she had endured at his hands. Pedrin, realizing that he would have to find a way to escape and could no longer rely on the Empire rescuing him, bargained his freedom for helping Altronel, claiming he had lied before and needed to administer the antidote in time. In truth, Pedrin had no idea why Altronel was ill.

Makintay smuggled Pedrin into Eyrie Base in disguise, then directed him to the sick bay where Doctor Tarrek was tending to Altronel. Pedrin insisted that he and the doctor had to work together, stating that the Rebels were unable to detect any change in Altronel's bloodwork when administering counteragents because their computers were not calibrated to scan for new substances created by the Empire. To enhance the sick bay's computing power, Tarrek departed to retrieve more datachips. While awaiting Tarrek's return, Assistant Medic Griek entered the sick bay, forcing Makintay and Pedrin to conceal themselves. While hidden, Makintay observed Griek speaking to Altronel, revealing that she had administered the poison in retaliation for the husband and son she had lost when the Empire arrived on Hargeeva. She blamed Altronel's work for attracting Imperial attention to the planet. Holding a hypo containing the antidote, Griek promised that she would not kill Altronel, as her new alloy would save Rebel lives. However, once the war concluded, she would seek justice.

Makintay is stabbed by Pedrin

Furious at the situation, Makintay made his presence known, causing Griek to fumble and drop the hypo. Simultaneously, Pedrin seized a scalpel and plunged it into Makintay's back, resulting in his immediate collapse. After grabbing Makintay's blaster, Pedrin instructed Griek to retrieve bandages; however, upon her return with pressure bandages intended for Makintay's injury, Pedrin corrected her, stating he needed something to restrain him. Despite Pedrin's order, Griek attempted to aid Makintay, but Pedrin forcefully pushed her away, though the pilot managed to secure a pressure bandage, slowing the bleeding. Detecting approaching footsteps in the hallway, Pedrin attempted to destroy the hypo containing the antidote for Altronel. Makintay, grabbing Pedrin's leg, received a painful kick to the ribs in response; however, his actions enabled Griek to retrieve the hypo. Doctor Tarrek, accompanied by Niemeh and two guards, entered the sick bay; Pedrin threatened Altronel's life unless they retreated. Capitalizing on the distraction, Griek released the hypo onto the bed and lunged for the blaster. Pedrin responded by firing directly at Griek's chest, resulting in her death. Amidst the chaos, Makintay kicked Pedrin in the shin, causing him to lose his balance, allowing Niemeh to stun him. Makintay indicated that the hypo was the cure, and Niemeh administered it to Altronel before Makintay lost consciousness.

Two days later, Makintay regained consciousness in the sick bay, discovering that Altronel had fully recovered. He learned that Commander Baran had planned to punish him for insubordination and striking him, but he was relieved that Colonel Farland had intervened and overturned the orders, somehow managing to have Baran reassigned to a safe world as a result. Nevertheless, there was still discussion of demoting Makintay and temporarily confining him to base. However, Altronel was working to change the command's decision, offering her new alloy for the X-wings—which, when utilized to replace laser cannon tips, would enhance their firepower due to its unique heat absorption properties—on the condition that Makintay lead them into battle.

Personality and traits

Stevan Makintay possessed a slender and agile build, characteristic of Humans, and had long hair that almost reached his shoulders, complemented by green eyes. His most notable physical attribute was a scar located on the right side of his face, extending from just below his eye to his earlobe, acquired while attempting to resolve a conflict between his lover, Katrian Altronel, and an admirer. Despite his royal lineage, Makintay firmly believed in equality for all individuals, irrespective of their social standing, and was widely regarded as an idealist. He formed friendships with individuals from diverse backgrounds, including Merinda Niemeh, an alien, and commoners such as his intended fiancée, Ketrian Altronel, and Astina Griek.

Of a gentle and amiable nature, Makintay held a strong aversion to injustice and cruelty, and was recognized for his practicality and resourcefulness. As a stern commander, he displayed unwavering protectiveness and loyalty towards those under his command, prioritizing their well-being. He took immense pride in maintaining a low casualty rate. Makintay gained a profound understanding of the importance of patience and meticulous planning following his well-intentioned attempt to establish a Rebel cell on Hargeeva, which culminated in a peasant uprising that was brutally suppressed. However, he remained prone to impulsiveness when immediate action was required, such as striking his base's Intelligence Officer for refusing to permit Makintay's return to Hargeeva. While possessing strong convictions and unwavering loyalty towards his loved ones, Makintay readily acknowledged his inability to conduct prolonged interrogations beyond simple beatings, even when lives were at stake.

He held the conviction that he could transform Hargeeva's social structure, replacing the existing feudal system through the strategic application of political power, and his skills and attributes were deemed sufficient to secure him a position within the Alliance command structure should he choose to pursue it. During his involvement with the Rebellion, Makintay frequently faced teasing regarding his noble background and his proficiency with the sword, which many perceived as an antiquated weapon. However, Makintay firmly believed that the lessons he acquired while training with the sword could be effectively applied to starfighter combat tactics.

Ketrian Altronel held the position of the most important person in Makintay's life. He disregarded her status as a lowborn commoner and willingly accepted disinheritance from his family to have the opportunity to marry her. He felt a great deal of guilt for being forced to leave Altronel when his father arranged for him to be sent to an Imperial prison, despite him not being at fault. Makintay refrained from contacting her upon his return to Hargeeva to establish a Rebel cell, prioritizing her safety and preventing any suspicion of Rebel affiliation through her association with him. He was aware that his father had deceived her, falsely informing Altronel that he had willingly abandoned her to live among the stars. However, his love for her never diminished. He willingly risked his own life to save hers when she was poisoned and on the verge of death.

Makintay received training in the use of blasters and typically carried a heavy blaster pistol. He also demonstrated proficiency in unarmed and melee combat, particularly swords, and carried a combat knife. An accomplished pilot, Makintay was trained to operate starfighters, specializing in X-wings, and space transports. He possessed the ability to plot courses through hyperspace and operate starship systems, including weapons and shields. Additionally, he received training in starfighter repair and the operation of security systems, as well as piloting repulsorlift vehicles. Benefiting from a well-rounded education, Makintay possessed extensive knowledge of planetary systems and various languages, and was well-versed in the intricacies of bureaucracies. As a starfighter squadron leader, he underwent training in starfighter tactics and operations. An effective commanding officer, Makintay was a persuasive individual who was also conditioned to withstand standard Imperial interrogation and torture techniques. Skilled in the art of survival, he could employ stealth when necessary. Makintay typically wore a flight suit and carried a comlink.

Behind the scenes

Stevan Makintay made his initial appearance in "Firepower," a short story authored by Carolyn Golledge for the eighth issue of the Star Wars Adventure Journal, which was published in November 1995. Golledge subsequently penned a sequel to the story, entitled "Desperate Measures," which was featured in the tenth issue, released in May 1996. The artwork accompanying both stories was created by Doug Shuler. "Firepower" was later reprinted on Hyperspace, where the original black-and-white images accompanying the story were colorized. Despite the description of Makintay's eyes as green in "Desperate Measures," the Hyperspace image portrays him with blue eyes.

In 2012, authors Jason Fry and Paul R. Urquhart incorporated Makintay into a roster of Rogue Squadron pilots who participated in the Battle of Hoth from Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back. In 2013, The Essential Reader's Companion referenced Makintay in connection with the stories in which he appeared, although some inaccuracies were present in the text. The Companion incorrectly stated that, in "Firepower," Makintay was the one who proposed the idea of securing experts for the Alliance, when it was actually Merinda Niemeh who did so in the story. It also incorrectly stated that he embarked on the mission alone, omitting any mention of the contact team led by Merak. Furthermore, it describes Ketrian Altronel as agreeing to assist the Alliance before being captured by the Empire, whereas in the original story, she does so after her capture. In the description for "Desperate Measures," he is mistakenly referred to as "Mak Makintay" on one occasion.

