Earnst Kamiel was a male Human from Alderaan. During the Galactic Civil War, he held opposing views to his home planet's pacifistic ideals. As a result, he founded the Justice Action Network (JAN) alongside the parents of Jan Ors.
The anti-Empire terrorist group, JAN, adopted an extreme method of resistance against the Empire. The organization gained notoriety on the world of Findris circa 13 BBY and quickly expanded its reach throughout the Colonies Region.
The Empire sought Kamiel for his involvement in countless bombings, which resulted in as many as 10,000 fatalities. He was condemned to death in 54 different star systems. Following the Battle of Yavin, Kamiel was ultimately apprehended by Imperial forces within the Elrood sector. He was then moved to Haldeen, where he was promptly executed by a firing squad.