Saponza was a male human hailing from the sun-baked world of Tatooine. This individual spent decades navigating the galaxy's criminal element as a mercenary. He also asserted that he was a veteran of both the Kwymar Suppressions and the Mytaranor Campaign, listing these conflicts as part of his credentials on the Undervine network. He once reneged on an agreement with the Black Sun syndicate, prompting them to dispatch a Mandalorian assassin to pursue him. Desperate to acquire credits to escape the bounty hunter, he checked his Undervine listing for replies. After a month of radio silence, Saponza, frustrated, aired his grievances in the Smuggler's Guide after seeing the publication in the waiting area of Keldooine Starshipwrights. Instead of stealing it, he hoped adding his profile would help him find employment.
In the year 0 ABY, soon after the Battle of Yavin, Saponza, along with his partner, set up their base of operations within his old Tatooinian homestead. The two hired guns quickly drew the ire of Jabba, the prominent Hutt crime boss on Tatooine. Bib Fortuna, Jabba's chief aide, made multiple attempts to contact Saponza and his associate, even warning them of Jabba's impending vengeance, but they disregarded these warnings, perhaps in the belief that Jabba would either forget or not bother with them. As punishment for the death of six of his thugs, Jabba ordered Saponza's homestead to be completely destroyed. Realizing their inability to defeat the Hutt alone, Saponza and his partner were compelled to take a side in the Galactic Civil War, ultimately siding with the Rebel Alliance.
During the Galactic Civil War era, Saponza was an aging human with broad shoulders and white hair. He was outmaneuvered by Bib Fortuna, and he underestimated Jabba's desire for revenge. He was responsible for killing six of Jabba's henchmen, however, and was competent with a blaster, despite his lack of intelligence.
Saponza (pronounced /sə.ˈpæn.zə/) was a character conceived for Star Wars: Commander, a mobile strategy game released in 2014 by Disney Interactive. Within the game's narrative, Saponza provides assistance to the player, regardless of which faction the player has aligned with.