Delrian Prison Planet

The Delrian Prison Planet functioned as a world housing an Imperial penal work camp. Inmates imprisoned there during the Imperial Era were assigned the duty of installing electronics onto the durasteel restraints utilized at the Oovo 4 correctional facility.

As the New Republic Era dawned, the New Republic assumed control of the prison, where Vorg Alsum, a convicted alien felon, was serving a 35 year term for grand theft speeder. This sentence was present on Alsum's record, which Marshal Cara Dune discovered in a database while researching the file of the offender Migs Mayfeld circa 9 ABY.

Behind the scenes

The Delrian Prison Planet appeared on a display in "Chapter 14: The Tragedy" from Jon Favreau's The Mandalorian series on Disney+, which was directed by Robert Rodriguez and debuted on December 4, 2020. Within the Star Wars Legends timeline, the planet Delrian was originally referenced, under the name Delrian Prison Planet, in the 1989 Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game sourcebook Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope, authored by Grant S. Boucher.

