Risha Synata's vessel was a starship in the possession of and specifically designed for the Frenk performer Risha Synata. It was decorated with a color palette of gold and dark-red, along with geometric patterns.
The vessel featured a hangar bay with a very high ceiling and an open layout, along with a large sculpture of the actress. There were also displays of non-sentient creatures, like opee sea killers in water tanks and gundarks with exotic wildlife, connected to Synata's reception area by ornate hallways. These hallways included overhead gardens, portraits of women, large framed posters of her various roles, and rickshaw services. A casino and a theater were also present on the ship. Many of the rooms, most notably Padmé Amidala's guest quarters, had viewports looking out into space. Both the guest room and the reception hall were adorned with large, organically shaped, golden plates featuring the Aurebesh characters and , which corresponded to the initials of "Madam Synata."
A museum dedicated to galactic history also existed, though its accuracy was questionable. This exhibit, known as "Madam Synata's Genius of A Thousand Faces Museum," was presented using replicas of the Frenk actress alongside other automatons, portraying figures such as senators Sheev Palpatine, Padmé Amidala, Jedi Bolla Ropal, Kit Fisto, Mace Windu, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and two members of Yoda's species. Dioramas of the planets Ando Prime, Naboo, and Tatooine, a diner resembling Dexter Jettster's, and an Ewok village were also featured in the museum.
However, behind the public areas, the ship also held a drab, metallic observation deck supporting the Confederacy of Independent Systems. There was also a functional area that served as a remote control center for droids. Several LEP-series service droids were used as servants.
Following the Senate Hostage crisis, Count Dooku arranged for Risha Synata to invite senators who were hesitant to join the Separatists, including Padmé Amidala, to one of her renowned parties on her ship. The actress planned to use gas on these guests to further her goal of presenting history through her plays in a way that favored Dooku.
Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala, who was accompanied by him as her escort, eventually made it to the party at Caamas in the Cirius system at that time. Madam Synata intended for Gastum to give the two guests a private tour of her museum during their visit.