Archive of Forbidden Artifacts

The Archive of Forbidden Artifacts, also known as the Bogan Collection, was a secret repository of forbidden items linked to the dark side of the Force. This vault was situated within the archives of the Jedi Temple on the planet Coruscant. Despite its restricted access, only granted to select members of the Jedi Order, several Jedi individuals, including Klias Teradine, Lene Kostana, Yula Braylon, Dooku, and Sifo-Dyas, had managed to infiltrate it. Following the collapse of the Galactic Republic in 19 BBY, the Sith Lord Darth Sidious took possession of the Bogan Collection.


The Archive of Forbidden Artifacts was situated within the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.

Found within the Jedi Archives of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, the Archive of Forbidden Artifacts, or Bogan Collection, was a concealed vault. Access was limited to certain members of the Jedi Order. A false window, known as Kaneer's window, concealed a corridor filled with spinner-webs that led to the vault. Inside the Bogan Collection, numerous cabinets housed artifacts connected to the dark side of the Force, such as the Saber of Darth Krall, various scrolls, the mask of Sith Lord Darth Momin, an assortment of lightsabers, a parang, and other items related to the Sorcerers of Tund and the Yacombe. Some relics were suspended by repulsor pads, while others were secured behind glass or protected by force fields. The term "Bogan" served as another name for the dark side of the Force.


During the High Republic Era, Jedi Padawan Klias Teradine gained entry to the Archive of Forbidden Artifacts and documented his observations in his holojournal. While Teradine died on Mount Bikja in 241 BBY, many Jedi later believed he had been expelled from the Jedi Order. In 232 BBY, Jedi Master Cohmac Vitus and Jedi Knight Orla Jareni brought a set of arcane statues that were causing a disturbance in the Force back to Coruscant, intending to store them within the Bogan Collection. However, during a cleansing ritual in the Shrine in the Depths, it was discovered that the statues were restraining a dark side presence rather than containing one. This led Vitus, Jareni, and Padawan Reath Silas to secretly attempt to return the statues to the Amaxine Space Station where they had originally been found. Later, while still Jedi Initiates, Yula Braylon and Lene Kostana broke into the Bogan Collection through Kaneer's window, only to be discovered by Jedi Grand Master Yoda. As punishment, Yoda made them translate the Lothal Papyri, a collection of agricultural treatises.

Following the fall of the Republic, Darth Sidious gained control of the Archive of Forbidden Artifacts.

Subsequently, in 88 BBY, Jedi Initiates Dooku and Sifo-Dyas secretly entered the vault by using the Shifting Sand Force power to open Kaneer's window, where they observed various artifacts. Dooku's attention was drawn to a piece of metal, and he soon began to hear the growl of the Tirra'Taka, a creature that, according to legend, held the planet Serenno together. Dooku experienced a vision of the beast and, in an attempt to protect himself, used a Force push on everything around him, including the cabinets and Sifo-Dyas. Shortly after, the two Initiates were rescued by Jedi librarian Restelly Quist, who took them to the Temple infirmary. There, they were healed and questioned by Yoda and Braylon. Braylon informed Kostana that Dooku's actions had resulted in the destruction of many artifacts, which now needed to be incinerated. As punishment for their actions, Dooku and Sifo-Dyas were also assigned the translation of the Lothal Papyri. Dooku later recounted the incident to his sister Jenza through a holo-letter.

Around 23 BBY, Dooku provided data disks containing records of his conversations with Jenza to Asajj Ventress, his newly recruited Sith assassin, to aid her investigation into Jenza's whereabouts. Ventress listened to the message that mentioned the Bogan Collection. Following the fall of the Galactic Republic in 19 BBY, Darth Sidious, the Emperor of the Galactic Empire and Master of the Sith Order, inherited the Archive of Forbidden Artifacts and transformed the Jedi Temple into the Imperial Palace. The Sith Lord later gifted his apprentice, Darth Vader, with the mask of Darth Momin.

Behind the scenes

The Archive of Forbidden Artifacts made its initial appearance in a flashback scene within the audio drama Dooku: Jedi Lost, which was written by Cavan Scott and released in 2019.

