The following occurrences transpired during or around the year 88 BBY, which is also referred to as 3189 LY based on the Lothal Calendar and the year 7889 according to the C.R.C. calendar system.
- It is estimated that around this time, Jedi Master Trennis departed from the Jedi Order and subsequently gained recognition as one of the Lost Twenty. [1]
- Dooku and Sifo-Dyas infiltrate the Archive of Forbidden Artifacts, which is located inside the Jedi Archives within the Jedi Temple situated on Coruscant. [6]
- As a consequence of their unauthorized entry into the Archive of Forbidden Artifacts, Dooku and Sifo-Dyas are assigned the task of interpreting the Lothal Papyri. [6]
- Without authorization, Lene Kostana secretly provides Dooku with a piece of The Bestiary of Darth Caldoth with the goal of activating memories of a Force vision.
- Dooku and Kostana engage in a duel on the contemplation balcony of the Jedi Temple. [6]