Contemplation balcony

The contemplation balcony was an open-air platform positioned partway up the Temple Spire, which served as the Jedi Temple's primary spire on the planet of Coruscant. Jedi Order members utilized this space for private meditation and introspective thought. In 88 BBY, Jedi Master Lene Kostana waited on the balcony for her convor, Ferana, to return. Not long after, Kostana and Jedi Initiate Dooku engaged in a dispute on the balcony because Dooku suspected Kostana of secretly being a Sith. Grand Master Yoda, a Jedi, intervened to halt the duel after Dooku's aggression escalated, and he assisted the Initiate in understanding that his accusations against Kostana were unfounded.

Dooku later shared the events with his sister, Jenza, through a holo-letter. Around 23 BBY, Dooku entrusted Asajj Ventress, his newly acquired Sith assassin, with several data disks containing his messages to Jenza for her investigation into his sister's whereabouts, and she listened to the holo-disk that spoke of the contemplation balcony.

Behind the scenes

The audio drama Dooku: Jedi Lost, penned by Cavan Scott and released on April 30, 2019, included the contemplation balcony in a flashback scene. The audio drama's script release on October 1 of that same year verified the capitalization of "contemplation balcony."

