The highest spire constructed atop the Imperial Palace on Coruscant, previously the Jedi Temple, is known as the Palace Spire. During the time of the Galactic Republic, it was referred to as the Temple Spire or the Tranquility Spire. The Council Towers, a quartet of smaller spires, surrounded it.
For a millennium, the Tranquility Spire, a soaring structure distinguished by three decorative fins at its peak, rose from the center of the Jedi Temple. This spire, one of the most sacred locations for the Jedi Order, featured an interior adorned with galleries illustrating the Order's history. Repulsors suspended mosaics, tapestries, and sculptures in the tower's core, viewable from transparisteel turbolifts lining the spire's exterior walls. The Council Towers, a group of four smaller spires, encircled it. At the base of the tower, the original mountain summit of the sacred spire emerged from the ziggurat, surrounded by hallways overlooking the edifice's barren slopes. Pathways extended from the outer halls onto and through the mountain, descending into original cave chapels. Meditation balconies and a balcony showcasing holo-depictions of Jedi history, used for the education of younglings, were located here. The Spire's summit housed halls and a chamber of great importance to the Order, including private rooms for meditation and contemplation, lecture halls, and a galaxy holomap room. The Jedi's military command center was also situated within this section of the Temple.
The Veranda, located within the finned section of the Spire, contained the Hall of Knighthood and a private hangar for dignitaries and members of the Jedi High Council. The Pinnacle Room of the Spire held the Order's most vital documents and artifacts, and served as a meeting place for the High Council in addition to the Jedi Council Chamber.
Following the fall of the Jedi Order and the subsequent rise of the Galactic Empire, Darth Sidious established his residence in the Jedi Temple, transforming the Temple Spire into the Empire's governmental center. He converted the pinnacle chamber into his throne room, renaming it the Palace Spire. The remainder of the spire was purged of all references to the Jedi, replaced with statues and art celebrating the Empire's glory.