The Emperor's throne room, situated within the Imperial Palace on Coruscant, served as the formal chamber housing the throne of Sheev Palpatine, the Galactic Emperor. This unadorned, solid black throne was elevated four steps above the chamber floor, presenting a massive yet austere presence. Adjacent to the main area was a garden, personally designed by the Emperor himself. Despite its modest size, this garden featured a diverse collection of plants, primarily cultivated in pots or within trenches lining the curving flagstone pathways. Strategically placed small trees at the garden's edge, combined with the distance separating it from the throne, ensured a degree of seclusion.

One year following his ascension to power, Emperor Palpatine summoned Darth Vader to appear before him. As his apprentice knelt in subservience, the Emperor declared that it was time for the Empire to demonstrate its authority, asserting his voice as the only one that mattered in the governance of the galaxy. When Vader questioned the method of this demonstration, the Emperor proclaimed that the planet of Mon Cala would serve as the prime example. Despite Vader's assertion that he was no longer a general, the Emperor clarified that he had another task for him to undertake. Vader and his team were assigned to investigate whether a Jedi was aiding the Mon Cala King, and if so, to destroy them, while another individual would oversee the military aspects of the operation.

From his throne, flanked by two Imperial Guards, Emperor Palpatine received a holographic communication from Governor Ahr, who inquired about the reason for the disturbance. Ahr explained that Darth Vader's actions had resulted in the loss of the coaxium supply he was meant to secure from insurgents on Namzor. From his seat, the Emperor questioned his apprentice about his awareness of the governor's orders, to which Vader remained silent. Looking at the holo-pad in front of him, the Emperor reproved Vader, reminding him that while he held a position second to none, he was not a bureaucrat like the governor. Ahr responded with a statement of honor, prompting a smile from the Emperor towards the governor's hologram.
Turning his focus back to Vader, Palpatine instructed the Dark Lord to kneel, reminding him that by following the governor's orders, he was fulfilling his will. This rebuke stirred up Vader's past resentment toward his previous masters, including Sidious, which pleased the Emperor. Still enthroned, the Emperor gestured to Ahr and instructed Vader to execute all of the governor's orders precisely until he had learned his lesson. When Vader inquired about the duration of this obedience, Palpatine responded with a knowing smile, indicating that he would know when the time was right, before instructing the governor to proceed and ending the transmission.

Following the rogue Inquisitor chase, Darth Vader knelt before Emperor Palpatine, who was seated on his throne, to provide an explanation for the deaths of two members of the Inquisitorius. Three Imperial Royal Guards stood watch in the throne room. While the Emperor acknowledged the validity of Vader's reasoning, he demanded evidence to support his claims. Vader detailed how the Inquisitor known as the Thirteenth Sister had allowed the wife of Eeth Koth and his child to escape, only to later abduct the child after she had been sighted. Vader further explained that she had manipulated Tualon Yaluna and was in the process of forming a coalition against them, justifying his decision to eliminate both individuals. In response, the Emperor gestured towards the window behind the throne, highlighting the trail of destruction that Vader had left in his wake during his pursuit.
Rising from his throne, the Emperor pointed an accusing finger at Vader, reprimanding him for his actions, which had resulted in the death of Senator Maklooq, a figure crucial to his plans. He expressed concern that Vader's actions might fuel rumors of his inability to maintain order on other worlds if he couldn't even control the capital. Still kneeling, Vader countered that the Inquisitorius had been entrusted to him, to which the Emperor retorted that while they were indeed his, they would no longer be stationed on Coruscant. Emperor Palpatine declared his intention to relocate the Inquisitorius off-world to a new base to prevent a recurrence of the recent events. He then turned to face the window behind the throne, reiterating that such an incident would not happen again on his world. After a moment of silence, the Emperor instructed his apprentice to rise so that they could discuss other matters.
Turning back to face his apprentice, Emperor Palpatine expressed his satisfaction upon learning of Koth's death and inquired about the former council member's hiding place. As Vader stood, he revealed that Koth was disguising himself as a priest, eliciting laughter from the Emperor. Descending from his throne, the Sith Lord mocked Koth's futile attempts at concealment, declaring that the Jedi deserved their extinction. Commending Vader's skill in hunting Jedi, Emperor Palpatine announced a reward for his apprentice as the two Sith Lords left the guardsmen behind and began to depart the throne room. As they approached the exit, the Emperor chuckled, amused by Koth's audacity.

Upon returning from his journey through the Force portal on Mustafar, Vader contacted his master via hologram in the throne room. Seated on his throne, flanked by two royal guards, the Emperor watched as Vader's hologram materialized before him. Palpatine expressed his relief at finally hearing from Vader, joking that he was on the verge of seeking a replacement apprentice, to which the Sith Lord affirmed his continued existence. Noting his apprentice's battle-worn appearance, Palpatine speculated that Vader's quest on Mustafar had yielded valuable insights. He elaborated on the pervasive nature of lies within the galaxy, emphasizing the difficulty of uncovering genuine truth. After asking Vader if he had found what he sought on Mustafar, Vader terminated the holo-connection with the throne room, answering "yes" to himself.

From the throne room, Grand Vizier Mas Amedda contacted Admiral Piett aboard the Executor via hologram. After confirming the Millennium Falcon's escape into hyperspace from Bespin, the Grand Vizier informed Piett that Emperor Palpatine wished to speak with Lord Vader. As the Emperor sat on his throne with Amedda at his side, they waited until the Vizier prompted the Admiral again, after hearing Piett call out Vader's name. Piett then reported that Vader was currently unavailable, having just witnessed the Sith Lord's shuttle jump into hyperspace. Upon hearing this, Palpatine found his apprentice's sudden departure amusing and began to laugh, while Amedda and the holographic image of Piett watched in silence.

On another occasion, the Emperor summoned Darth Vader to the throne room. Vader knelt before his master, who was seated on his throne and guarded by two Imperial Guards. Vader provided an update on the status of the Rebel fleet following the events on Hoth. Upon learning that the fleet had scattered, the Emperor declared that the time was ripe to hunt down and eliminate each rebel ship. After Vader inquired whether he was being assigned this task, Palpatine expressed regret that either Grand Moff Tarkin or Grand Admiral Thrawn were no longer available for the assignment.
With both of them gone and no other suitable candidate, the Emperor informed Vader that he would need to temporarily halt his pursuit of his son, Luke Skywalker, and instead focus on hunting down the Rebels. However, Vader countered, suggesting that there was indeed another option: Commander Ellian Zahra, Tarkin's former protégé. Palpatine accepted Vader's recommendation.
Following the battle on Polis Massa, Darth Vader returned to Coruscant and met with the Emperor in the throne room. Palpatine was enthroned, flanked by two Imperial Guards. Vader stood below the throne as his master inquired whether he had completed his task. Kneeling on the floor, Vader affirmed that he had. However, his master questioned the sincerity of his words. Rising from his throne, the Emperor approached Vader, musing about the nature of the Dark side and its ability to grant strength to the Sith. The Emperor asserted that Vader had succumbed to grief and would need to begin anew, using fear as his foundation, as he unleashed Force lightning.

The Emperor's assault was so potent that bolts of lightning erupted from the throne room's ceiling and soared into the sky, visible to those outside the palace. Vader managed to deflect his master's attack with his lightsaber, maintaining his position on the dais' stairs, and demanded to know the reason for the attack. Continuing his barrage from the base of the dais, Palpatine summoned Mas Amedda, who proceeded to inform Vader that the Emperor was aware of his personal quest. As the Emperor ceased his lightning assault, Vader slumped on the stairs before Palpatine instructed Amedda to order his guards to attack his apprentice. The Sith Lord managed to hold his own against the two guardsmen until the Emperor disarmed him of his lightsaber.
Vader was forced to the floor by the guards' continued assault until he managed to seize one of the guard's force pike and retaliate. Amedda advanced, drawing a blaster at Vader, who then used the Force choke on the three, levitate them off the ground, much to Palpatine's delight. Vader's grip on Amedda and the guards faltered when the Dark Lord found himself being Force choked by his master and lifted off the floor. Palpatine suspended Vader in the air as he lectured his apprentice on the Sith principle of strength through fear. While suspended in midair, the Emperor proceeded to shatter Vader's prosthetic limbs, with the exception of his left arm, and severely damaged his suit, ordering him to forget everything but his Emperor before dropping him to the floor. Standing over his broken apprentice, the Sith Master informed Vader of the need to rediscover himself or face death.
The Emperor's throne room made its initial appearance in the multimedia project Shadows of the Empire novel, released in 1996, and was subsequently depicted in the comic book adaptation of the novel. It was situated in the tallest tower of the Imperial Palace, which had formerly served as the Presidential Palace of the Galactic Republic. The Emperor's throne room was officially introduced into canon in Timothy Zahn's novel Thrawn.