Lothal Papyri

The Lothal Papyri comprised a collection of agricultural documents pertaining to the planet of Lothal. These documents were stored within the Jedi Archives, located inside the Jedi Temple on the world of Coruscant. As a form of discipline, Jedi Initiates who had acted inappropriately were assigned the task of translating these treatises. During their time as Initiates, Jedi Masters Yula Braylon and Lene Kostana were instructed by Jedi Grand Master Yoda to decipher the papyri. The completion of this project required a minimum of three months.

Subsequently, in 88 BBY, Yoda assigned Sifo-Dyas and Dooku, then Initiates, the same task as punishment for their unauthorized entry into the Archive of Forbidden Artifacts. This hidden vault within the Jedi Archives housed dark side artifacts. Dooku later shared details of these events with his sister, Jenza, via a holo-letter. Around 23 BBY, Dooku entrusted several data disks containing his messages to Jenza to Asajj Ventress, his newly recruited Sith assassin, for her investigation into the whereabouts of his sister's location. Ventress then listened to the holo-disk that made reference to the Lothal Papyri.

Behind the Scenes

The Lothal Papyri were featured in a flashback sequence in Dooku: Jedi Lost, a 2019 audiobook authored by Cavan Scott.

