During the High Republic Era, as the Galactic Republic's influence spread into the largely uncharted regions of the galaxy, a significant surge occurred: the Great Hyperspace Rush. This event involved a frantic effort to map and lay claim to the numerous, previously undiscovered hyperspace routes that existed.
Driven by directives from Supreme Chancellors Orlen Mollo and Kyong Greylark, the Galactic Republic dispatched numerous Pathfinder teams into the depths of the Outer Rim Territories. This initiative aimed to unify the galaxy. Specifically, these Republic Pathfinders dedicated themselves to locating fresh hyperspace routes and building a dependable communication infrastructure for the Rim. The Jedi Order lent support to the Republic Pathfinders in these endeavors. However, the potential for substantial money also motivated many independent groups to seek out new hyperlanes. Consequently, the Hyperspace Rush unfolded around 383 BBY (year). While the efforts of independent explorers were recognized as part of the rush, the Republic's directly funded projects could be traced back to 392 BBY. The hyperlane search persisted until 382 BBY.
One such Pathfinder team from the Republic charted routes near the Outer Rim planet of Sullust, which ultimately led to the discovery of Tunguray. Facing imminent danger from intense volcanic activity, the remaining Tungurary people were rescued by the Pathfinders and relocated to Coruscant, the Republic's capital. A Pathfinder team led by Jedi Knight Gella Nattai ventured to Orvax, but their mission tragically failed. The Graf family of hyperspace prospectors, known for both remarkable achievements and terrible acts, mapped several routes and significantly influenced the rush, an event still discussed in hushed tones by Outer Rim and frontier residents many years later. The San Tekka clan, rivals of the Grafs, also suffered losses while prospecting during the rush. According to Piralli, speaking around the time of the Battle of Jedha, the San Tekkas were considered the most successful hyperspace prospectors in the galaxy at that time. The San Tekkas and Grafs would also sponsor the Hyperspace Chase.
Near the end of the rush, the San Tekkas transformed their previous misfortunes into prosperity by leveraging the talents of Mari San Tekka, a hyperspace savant. Her unique abilities enabled them to chart valuable new routes through regions like the Relgim Run and the Bitmus Cloud following the conclusion of the rush. During the rush, a hologram captured Mari using numbered blocks to write the locational code for a navigational beacon in the Berenge sector. The Grafs eventually employed a information broker to uncover the clan's secret, leading to the discovery of San Tekka. She was then captured by the Ro family and disappeared before the rush concluded.
The Grafs chose to keep some of the routes mapped during the rush secret until Chancey Yarrow, a scientist, and others advocated for the Republic to make all routes publicly available. However, even more than a hundred years later, the Graf family still maintained control over certain private routes using leftover beacons from the Great Hyperspace Rush. These beacons were encrypted and only visible in the Grafs' navigation computers. Yarrow referenced the Great Hyperspace Rush in 231 BBY when explaining San Tekka's abilities to Nan, a member of the Nihil.
In 232 BBY, Jedi Master Douglas Sunvale alluded to the Great Hyperspace Rush while assuring Janex, the Dalnan Ambassador, that their planned hyperspace journey aboard the Steady Wing would be safe, despite the recent Great Hyperspace Disaster and ongoing Emergences.
The Hyperspace Rush was initially mentioned in The High Republic: A Test of Courage, a middle grade novel published in 2021 and authored by Justina Ireland.