Hyperspace Chase

The Hyperspace Chase was a competition to chart routes through Hyperspace lanes. It was funded by the San Tekkas and the Grafs, the two most prominent prospecting dynasties.


Fel Ix, a member of the Path of the Open Hand, was dispatched on the Chase by the Mother one day following the Battle of Jedha. Before starting, Fel Ix committed the Graffian slicer code to memory. Er Dal, Ferize, and Marda Ro, Fel Ix's associates, cautioned him about the possibility of encountering Jedi during the mission.

Spence and Dass Leffbruk were given a ship by the San Tekka clan. The pair intended to utilize the ship to journey back to Planet X within Wild Space. Their goal was to reclaim their own ship, the Silverstreak, which they were compelled to abandon during a previous visit.

