The Relgim Run represented a specific route through hyperspace. Following the period known as the Great Hyperspace Rush, the San Tekka clan of hyperspace prospectors, utilizing the unique skills of hyperspace savant Mari San Tekka, charted important new pathways through areas such as the Relgim Run and the Bitmus Cloud. Considerably later, over a century hence, in 231 BBY, the scientist Chancey Yarrow referenced the Run when he was explaining San Tekka's capabilities to Nan, who was a member of the Nihil. During the time of the Imperial Era, the Imperial warrant authorizing the termination of the pirate Mabin the Dread cited her last known location as being in the vicinity of the Relgim Run, where she intended to raid the Cassandran Worlds.
The Relgim Run was initially mentioned within the new Star Wars canon on a termination warrant included as extra material in the deluxe version of the 2018 reference book Star Wars: Smuggler's Guide, authored by Daniel Wallace. The run's origins can be traced back to the Star Wars Legends continuity, where it initially appeared as the Relgim hyperspace lane in Riders of the Maelstrom, a 1989 supplement created by Ray Winninger for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. Subsequently, the specific name Relgim Run was first used within Legends in the 1996 short story "A Certain Point of View," penned by Charlene Newcomb and featured in Star Wars Adventure Journal 8.