Gunda Mabin

Gunda Mabin, an Aqualish pirate queen also known by the monikers Gunda the Terrible, Buccaneer of the Blazing Claw, Mabin the Dread, and Captain Long-Tusk, commanded the Blazing Claw during the Age of the Empire. The Galactic Empire, alarmed by Mabin's actions, issued a warrant to terminate her, suspecting she was lurking in the Relgim Run with intentions of raiding the Cassandran Worlds. It was believed that Mabin conducted her operations from a base within the Maelstrom Nebula.

Mabin possessed a scar near her left eye and had a right leg replaced with a cybernetic one. She was the commander of a pirate fleet consisting of one hundred vessels, in addition to her personal ship, the Bloody Bones.


Mabin once served under Captain Carabba, starting as a "cabin cub" and eventually rising to the rank of first mate. She ultimately killed Carabba and assumed leadership of the pirate organization. Later, Mabin captured Hondo Ohnaka and relieved him of his coaxium, Onyx pearls, serrated vibroblade, DX-13 blaster pistol, Elixir of Omwat's Grace, Fine oro-weave vest trimmed with nerfwool, Rhen-Orm biocomputer module, chromium hand mirror, sixteenth vintage Whyren's Reserve and Maz Kanata's Journal. The inventory of these stolen goods was documented in a book that would later become known as the Smuggler's Guide.

Treasure hunt

During the twenty-third of the fifth sidereal cycle, Mabin led the Bloody Bones's crew to a hidden treasure on Moldour 14, utilizing the guide. Simultaneously, other ships in her fleet were dispatched along the outer Hydian Way and as far as the spillways of Ashcan Reach to divert the attention of both the Galactic Empire and the Dharus Buccaneers.

Boarding party

On one occasion, Gunda Mabin awoke from a slumber during a voyage, having slept for twelve hours. Twelve hours after that, specifically on the thirty-first of the fifth sidereal cycle, Gunda detected a coaxium leak on the Bloody Bones shortly after departing from the Port of Ottega. To prevent an explosion, she immediately pulled the ship out of hyperspace within the heavily trafficked Atrian Merchants' Causeway hyperlane. Gunda maneuvered the ship alongside a Ghtroc star yacht, and the Bloody Bones launched a broadside attack. The fusillade impacted the yacht's deflector shields, causing them to fracture in several locations.

Subsequently, Hawson opened the starboard hatch, and Handsome Tar hurled magnesium burners through the magnetic field, affixing them to the yacht's hull and creating a two-meter circle. A shot from a powder kicker forced that section of the hull inward, allowing the boarding party to enter the yacht. A fierce battle ensued, during which Grullbug killed several opponents. White clouds from flash bombs filled the air. Following the engagement, Hawser altered the yacht's transponder code to Zeta Zeta Zeta. The yacht's captain was ejected into space through the airlock, and the remaining crew members quickly surrendered the lockcodes for the ship's coaxium.


On the thirty-third of the fifth sidereal cycle, the Bloody Bones underwent repairs. Stolen coaxium was used, and a welded deck plate served as a makeshift reactor patch. During the completion of these repairs, Punter succumbed to excessive radiation exposure. Gunda commented that perhaps he should have refrained from waking her up.

Moldour 14's treasure

On the thirty-fifth of the fifth sidereal cycle, Navigator Puckwale informed Gunda that they would arrive at Moldour 14 by morning. Gunda Mabin then declared that she would forever be the Pirate Queen of the Outer Rim Territories.

On the thirty-sixth of the fifth sidereal cycle, after Gunda guided the Bloody Bones into orbit around Moldour, Patchwork Fiddich drew a pistol from his coat and aimed it at her. Six of Gunda's crew members sided with Patchwork, while others remained neutral. As they stared at each other, she noticed that he still bore the scar from the Burning inflicted by captain Carabba. Gunda then activated a quickfire tooth hidden in her mouth, covering the conspirators in green flame, causing them to collapse onto the deck. Mabin's loyal followers then drew their weapons and killed the mutineers, except for Fiddich, whom she killed personally.

On the thirty-seventh of the fifth sidereal cycle, upon reaching their destination, the moon Moldour 14, crewmember Poppy located the correct sinkhole on the appropriate island. They then deployed droids to begin digging. The rising sun illuminated a vault at the bottom of the sandy pit. Fur-Bite proceeded to unseal the vault but was killed by a trap that launched a saberdart into the pirate's neck. The remaining traps in the vault failed to activate, and Mabin and the surviving crew members claimed the valuable meleenium, hyperbarides, and prismatic crystals within before departing the moon.


On the forty-first of the fifth sidereal cycle, the crew of the Bloody Bones set course for the second Kanata treasure. However, Gunda became concerned by a shadow detected by the aft sensor. She suspected that the Dharus Buccaneers were trailing them. On the forty-third of the fifth sidereal cycle, it was revealed that their pursuer was not a Dharus pirate, but rather a privateer hired by the governor of the Maldrood Oversector. A day later, on the forty-fourth of the fifth sidereal cycle, Gunda Mabin prepared the cannons of the Bloody Bones for combat and engaged the privateer in starfighter combat.

Mabin documented her experiences on Moldour throughout the voyage. Later, when the book came into their possession, the Master Codebreaker, Cornelius Evazan and Doctor Chelli Lona Aphra added their own annotations to the pages.

Following the dogfight, Gunda Mabin's ship crash-landed on a planet. Krastic Tarta later reported that he discovered both the privateer's starship and the Bloody Bones abandoned. He found only the Smuggler's Guide aboard Mabin's starship, which he decided to safeguard on the Arkanian Dawn.


  • Star Wars: Smuggler's Guide (First mentioned)

Notes and references
