
Magnesium, a combustible material, emitted an intense, dazzling burst of light upon combustion, making it suitable for use as a flare. During the time the Galactic Empire was in power (reign), the pirate known as Handsome Tar employed magnesium burners. He hurled them through the magnetic field of a Ghtroc star yacht as he boarded it. The resulting ignition, triggered by a shot from a powder kicker, created a hole in the hull, a two-meter diameter circle burned completely through. While escaping Imperial stormtroopers on Tovio, the rebel Fanya identified a type of moss that naturally contained magnesium. She then produced sparks by striking two stones together, igniting the moss, which temporarily blinded two troopers, enabling her and Rorric to get away.

Behind the scenes

The first mention of Magnesium in current Star Wars canon occurred in Daniel Wallace's reference book Star Wars: Smuggler's Guide, which was published in 2018. Within the Star Wars Legends continuity, its initial appearance was in Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Races, a 1989 sourcebook for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game by West End Games, authored by Troy Denning.

