Krastic Tarta, the "Proliferating Horror", served as the slavemaster for the infamous Arkanian Dawn.
In 10 BBY, Tarta directed the vessel to answer a distress signal originating from a downed privateer's spacecraft. Despite finding the wreckage deserted, the enslaver encountered a native sentient species, whom he dubbed the Purple Ones. Subsequently, Tarta documented these occurrences within the pages of the Smuggler's Guide, a book he found aboard a second crashed ship and chose to safeguard on the Arkanian Dawn.
Following the capture of seven native settlements, Tarta departed the planet aboard the Arkanian Dawn. The ship's cargo bays were filled with slaves destined for sale at the slave markets of Chalcedon. His subsequent ambition was to become the guildmaster of the Thalassian guild and destroy the Zygerrian Slavers Guild. However, upon arriving on Chalcedon, the enslaved population rebelled, killing Tarta and taking control of the Arkanian Dawn. A Black Sun slavemonger later asserted that they recovered the Smuggler's Guide from the corpse of Krastic Tarta.