A Certain Point of View (short story)

title: A Certain Point of View

Authored by Charlene Newcomb, and featuring illustrations by Mike Vilardi and Daniel Horne, "A Certain Point of View" is a short story. It initially appeared in Star Wars Adventure Journal 8, published by West End Games in November of 1995. Subsequently, it was included in Tales from the Empire, a short-story collection released by Bantam Spectra in November of 1997. Furthermore, it was also published online via Hyperspace on April 28, 2006. The story's events unfold directly following the Destruction of Alderaan which took place in 0 BBY.

Plot summary

Galaxy Tours operated the luxury liner known as the Kuari Princess. The liner was making a voyage on the Relgim Run, specifically from Endoraan, going through Marmoth, Aris, and Vykos, and finally arriving at Mantooine. The route took them through the dangerous Maelstrom between Aris and Vykos.

Serving as a lieutenant on the Kuari Princess was Celia Durasha. She encountered Lieutenant Adion Lang, who had boarded the liner with the purpose of arresting Detien Kaileel, who was suspected of smuggling weapons to the Alliance to Restore the Republic. They had previously been romantically involved on their home world, Lankashiir.


The cover that inspired the story

The story was written by Newcomb based on a request to use the cover artwork of Riders of the Maelstrom from West End Games. The intent was to showcase the artwork within the Journal alongside the story itself.

