Detien Kaileel

Detien Kaileel, a Kabieroun of the male gender, held the position of Security Chief aboard the Kuari Princess during the era of the Galactic Civil War. After the Galactic Empire began its domination of his homeworld, he departed, dedicating himself to the study of police science and working as a detective for several decades before being appointed to the Kuari Princess. Around the time of 0 BBY, specifically the destruction of Alderaan, this Kabieroun became an ally to the Alliance to Restore the Republic, supplying them with blasters he had pilfered from the Kuari Princess.

However, his activities eventually attracted the attention of the Imperial Security Bureau, leading to Lieutenant Adion Lang's assignment to investigate. Lang apprehended Kaileel, who was subsequently confined in isolation on the Kuari Princess for several hours. Despite facing imminent death, Kaileel's close companion, Celia Durasha, orchestrated his escape from the ship's brig and attempted to flee the cruiser alongside him. However, Lang awaited them in the docking bay, holding the two escapees at blaster-point. Kaileel's attempt to shoot the Imperial missed, resulting in him being struck by blaster fire. The blaster bolts resulted in Kaileel's death, but Durasha managed to evade Lang and successfully fled the ship.


Early life

Detien Kaileel, a Kabieroun originating from the planet of the same name, was fortunate enough to leave his homeworld before the Galactic Empire subjugated it. He furthered his education by studying police science at the Balaidas Academy, but his studies were cut short when the Empire shut down the academy to non-Humans. Subsequently, he spent more than ten years as a detective for a Sentinel Agency within the Mid Rim, where he demonstrated considerable skill. After sustaining a serious injury during an undercover operation targeting a prominent crime lord, Kaileel sought a safer line of work.

Eventually, Kaileel secured a position with Galaxy Tours as the Security Chief aboard a luxury liner called the Kuari Princess. He excelled in this role, earning the respect of his subordinates and forming numerous friendships, including those with Celia Durasha and Dap Nechel, with whom he frequently played B'shingh. Kaileel shared a particularly close bond with Durasha, acting as a paternal figure to the young woman.


As time passed, Kaileel grew increasingly dissatisfied with his life and sought to actively resist the Empire. He began covertly stealing blasters from the ship, providing them to the burgeoning Alliance to Restore the Republic. He continued his illicit activities for several months without detection, using his position as head of security to vouch for his men to the Kuari Princess's captain, ensuring they wouldn't be blamed for his actions. Despite the increasing risk to his career due to the missing blasters, Kaileel persisted in his smuggling. Several days before the destruction of Alderaan, he transported another shipment of blasters to Rebels on Mantooine.

The mission to Mantooine was unsuccessful, leaving Kaileel anxious and increasingly suspicious that the Empire was aware of his activities. He found temporary respite when a brawl erupted between passengers on the luxury cruiser and later joined Celia Durasha for their regular game of B'shingh. Kaileel quickly noticed Durasha's distress and comforted her over the loss of her brother, who had died fighting for the Rebels on Ralltiir. Kaileel revealed his growing sympathy for the Rebels and shared his views on the Empire with Durasha. Although the Human woman condemned his statements and cautioned him against speaking that way on a ship aligned with the Empire, Kaileel succeeded in planting seeds of doubt in his friend's mind.


Chief Kaileel.

Adion Lang, an Imperial Security Bureau lieutenant who had been dispatched to monitor Kaileel's actions, overheard the entire conversation. Lang placed Kaileel under arrest and confined him to the Kuari Princess's brig, where he remained in isolation for several hours; the Kabieroun accepted the accusations leveled against him. Eventually, Durasha was permitted to visit him, but she was dismayed by his refusal to lie to the interrogators. Kaileel had resigned himself to his fate, but his friend was far less willing to accept it; she stabbed the stormtrooper guarding him and used his blaster to kill a second trooper who appeared shortly after. While Kaileel appreciated his friend's efforts, he remained pessimistic about their chances of escape, knowing that the ship's security officers—the very individuals he had trained and overseen just days before—would be waiting to intercept them. However, Durasha had a plan to escape and had enlisted Dap Nechel to create a diversion to occupy the vessel's security personnel. She had also arranged for several of Kaileel's most trusted colleagues to leave the turbolifts unmanned, allowing them to use them to reach the docking bay, where they hoped to seize a ship and flee.

However, Adion Lang was lying in wait for them, holding them at gunpoint in one of the Kuari Princess's hangars. Durasha pleaded with Lang—who had once been her lover—to allow Kaileel to escape, but the Imperial refused. Kaileel attempted to kill him by shooting at the Human, but his shot missed. In retaliation, Lang fired at the Kabieroun; the blaster bolt struck him in the chest, and although Kaileel managed to fire another shot—which, like the first, missed its target—Lang's shot killed him. Ultimately, Durasha escaped Lang's grasp and fled the Kuari Princess to begin her life as a fugitive.

Personality and traits

Kaileel possessed a strong moral compass, demonstrating empathy for the Empire's victims, even those he had never met. Despite admitting that the Empire had never personally harmed him, he risked and ultimately sacrificed his life to combat what he perceived as a corrupt and tyrannical regime. However, he was also prone to anxiety and struggled to manage his nervousness at times.

Kaileel was a compassionate individual who went to great lengths to protect his friends and colleagues from harm. During his time smuggling for the Rebellion, he explicitly assured the captain of the Kuari Princess that the ship's security officers were innocent, hoping to spare them from punishment for his crimes. Furthermore, he provided significant companionship to the lonely Celia Durasha, offering her a shoulder to cry on after the death of her sibling.

Behind the scenes

Detien Kaileel was a character conceived by Star Wars author Charlene Newcomb for a short story titled A Certain Point of View, first appearing in Star Wars Adventure Journal 8 and later in Tales from the Empire and Hyperspace. The story was inspired by an image featured on the cover of Riders of the Maelstrom, a role playing game supplement published by West End Games. The image depicts Kaileel and his companions playing B'shingh on the Kuari Princess and was later used to illustrate the story on Hyperspace. Although the creature in the image who would become Kaileel appears to be female, A Certain Point of View establishes him as male.

