Kabieroun (species)

The Kabierouns were a sentient species that originated on the planet called Kabieroun, which was located in the Outer Rim Territories. Their physical form bore resemblance to humanoid beings, characterized by an elongated, wrinkled snout that housed two dark eyes and a triangular mouth. This distinctive face was positioned at the end of a long, muscular neck, which extended forward from a substantial torso. Due to their large build, Kabierouns were significantly taller than the majority of Humans. Some members of this species successfully integrated into the wider galaxy, pursuing education and securing employment. However, with the emergence of the New Order, the Galactic Empire subjected the Kabierouns on their home planet to slavery, while those living abroad encountered speciesism. One such individual, Detien Kaileel, a green-skinned Kabieroun, dedicated decades to serving as a security agent before turning to smuggling blasters for the Rebel Alliance in response to the enslavement of his people.

Appearance and biology

Kabierouns had two dark eyes and a fleshy proboscis at the end of their long snout.

The Kabieroun's physical structure, while generally humanoid with two arms, two legs, and a head, was considerably more robust, and their torso was much thicker, than that of a typical Human. The Kabierouns' imposing size made them a formidable sight to smaller species, giving these sentients an intimidating presence. This was further enhanced by the considerable strength provided by the easily visible, well-defined muscles in their chest, arms, and neck. Their upper arms were slender, but their lower arms were thick, featuring a bulge of flesh on the underside. Scales covered their shoulders and arms, and the skin of at least some Kabierouns was green, with the color intensifying when they blushed. Each hand had five long fingers ending in suction cups—two of which functioned as thumbs—and each foot had at least two digits. A bulge protruded from the small of their back, and a sparse layer of white hair covered their bodies. Kabierouns possessed two distinct sexes: male and female.

The Kabieroun neck was characterized by its length and arch, curving upwards, forwards, and then downwards before extending horizontally from its midpoint. The back of the neck was rounded, while the underside remained flat until the midpoint, where it became rounded and wrinkled. The large head featured a cleft skull that extended downwards in a cylindrical shape, flanked by two large, flat, pointed ears. The face was positioned at the lowest point of the head, surrounded by a network of wrinkles. This visage included two large, black eyes, a slender, finger-like proboscis with two nostrils, and a triangular mouth that contained a red tongue, typically concealed behind the snout when viewed from the front. Kabieroun lips were sufficiently flexible to allow for smiling and other expressions.

Society and culture

The Kabierouns demonstrated the ability to operate galactic-standard technology and were even able to use seating designed for beings with different body structures. They possessed the ability to speak Basic, although some individuals spoke the language with a noticeable accent. Detien Kaileel, a Kabieroun who had assimilated into the galactic community, was seen wearing a close-fitting, sleeveless jumpsuit and an earring in his left ear.

Kabierouns displayed emotions in ways that were comparable to those of Humans. For example, Detien Kaileel would tug on his earring when feeling embarrassed, smile when content, shake his head when incredulous, and tremble when nervous. Kaileel also displayed emotions such as annoyance, gentleness, suspicion, and discontent.


The homeworld of the Kabieroun people was the planet named Kabieroun. Its location was within the Nijune sector, which is part of the New Territories in the Outer Rim. Following the rise of the New Order, the Galactic Empire seized control of the Kabieroun homeworld, and a significant portion of the planet's inhabitants were subjected to enslavement. Years later, during the Thrawn campaign, the planet's status shifted to neutral territory, falling outside the control of both the Imperial Remnant and the New Republic. From 10 to 11 ABY, the Kabierouns' home planet was under the control of the Imperial Remnant.

Kabierouns in the galaxy

Kabierouns who left their homeworld to venture into the wider galaxy during the reign of Emperor Palpatine were subjected to discrimination. Detien Kaileel was among those who emigrated before the establishment of the Empire and the enslavement of his people. He enrolled in the Balaidas Academy to study police science, becoming one of the last non-Humans to do so before the New Order restricted admissions to non-Humans. After graduating with honors, Kaileel served in the Mid-Rim Sentinel Agency for more than two decades, eventually leaving the organization after being injured while pursuing a crime lord. He then accepted what he considered to be a safer position as the head of security on the luxury liner known as the Kuari Princess. Kaileel became increasingly troubled by what he perceived as the wrongdoings of the Galactic Empire. The security officer eventually began using his security clearance to smuggle guns to Rebel Alliance operatives on the planet Mantooine, which was part of the Kuari Princess's route. Sometime in the years leading up to the Battle of Endor, his activities came to the attention of the Imperial Security Bureau, and the Human agent Adion Lang was sent to the Princess to apprehend the Kabieroun. Despite the efforts of Kaileel's friends, Celia Durasha and Dap Nechel, a firefight erupted between Kaileel and Lang, resulting in the Kabieroun being shot and killed.

Behind the scenes

Riders of the Maelstrom's cover inspired Charlene Newcomb's look at the Kabierouns.

The cover art for Riders of the Maelstrom, an adventure module for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game published by West End Games in 1989, features a large, green-skinned alien seated at a hologame table while a Human woman and a smaller alien observe. Despite the presence of this image, painted by Daniel Horne, on the book's cover, the adventure itself does not provide any information about the depicted characters. Several years later, Peter M. Schweighofer, the editor of the Star Wars Adventure Journal, sought to incorporate the image into his publication. He tasked author Charlene Newcomb with creating a short story inspired by the painting, which resulted in "A Certain Point of View," published in Star Wars Adventure Journal 8 in November 1995. Newcomb identified the green alien as Detien Kaileel and also named his companions in the image. Furthermore, she designated his species as the Kabierouns and provided some context regarding their enslavement by the Empire. The game statistics assigned to Kaileel indicate that the Kabierouns do not possess any inherent game advantages over Humans or other species.

