The Jedi temple, a temple outpost managed by the Jedi Order during the High Republic Era, was located on the planet Banchii.
This Jedi temple outpost, situated along the Galactic Frontier within the Inugg system, was the second such installation in that system, opening its doors after the temple located on Hon-Tallos. The Temple was built around and inside two enormous trees in a grove, characterized by their large boughs of billowing, narrow leaves on whip-like branches. At its base, the larger of the two trees accommodated the Temple's main hall, while a central tower rose from the top of the trunk, featuring a large bough of branches hanging to the side. The tower's pinnacle bore a resemblance to the three-finned crown of the Grand Jedi Temple found on Coruscant. A viaduct served as a connection between the temple's middle section and a neighboring tree trunk. The upper boughs of a second tree had been removed and replaced with a large landing platform, connected to the central structure by a hanging bridge. Bordered by the shores of a large lake that bordered the surrounding forests and grasslands, the temple forecourt was a grassy area framed by the tree's great roots.
The temple's interior was characterized by its austerity and sparseness, featuring large open rooms that were accessible to the settlers residing in the surrounding region. An Archives, curated by Jedi archivist Ru-Ru, housed the accumulated knowledge the Order possessed about the planet's ecosystems. Additionally, the Temple included an infirmary, staffed by Doctor Silar, which was equipped with the necessary tools and medical equipment to address most injuries that could occur on an agrarian colony world. A communications suite within the Temple was a critical component of the planet's infrastructure. Jedi Master Arkoff meticulously maintained a small balcony on the lower trunk of the central tree, adorning it with small potted plants.
The temple, established by the Jedi Order during Supreme Chancellor Lina Soh's leadership, served as the central hub for a developing farming settlement in the adjacent fields. The settlement's population saw an increase due to the arrival of refugees from events like the Great Hyperspace Disaster and Nihil attacks, including a group originating from Ta'klah. The temple was under the leadership of Master Arkoff, a respected Wookiee, who was accompanied by his former apprentice, Jedi Knight Lily Tora-Asi, and her Padawan Keerin Fionn. In addition to Archivist Ru-Ru and Doctor Silar, the temple was also home to two Initiates, Nima and Viv'nia.
As the settlement surrounding the temple flourished following the Emergences, a series of unusual incidents unfolded both within the temple itself and in the broader community. Arkoff discovered damage to several potted plants on a balcony, while Tora-Asi reported hearing strange noises during the night. Within the settlement, Mr. Kooba experienced a peculiar paralysis before undergoing a complete transformation into wood. The source of these disturbances was identified as an infestation of Drengir, colossal [plant](/article/plant] creatures introduced into the community by a Nihil infiltrator. As the settlers sought refuge within the temple's safety, the Jedi outpost came under attack by Drengir, with one managing to infiltrate the main hall and assault the civilians. Drawn out of the Temple's front gates by Jedi Tora-Asi, the Temple and its people were saved while only sustaining minor damage during the rampage. A week after the attack, following the disaster at the Republic Fair on Valo, Master Stellan Gios arrived at the Temple to call on Master Arkoff and request his assistance off world, leaving Jedi Tora-Asi in charge of the Banchii Temple.

Following the Drengir incident and anticipating further Nihil incursions, Tora-Asi spearheaded the construction of bunkers in the village with the help of the settlers. During this period, the Jedi welcomed Master Sav Malagán, who brought unsettling news of impending Nihil attacks and the potential for violence to engulf Banchii if the settlers opted solely to hide from the marauders instead of confronting them in open combat. Malagán advised the Banchii Jedi to prepare the settlers for a fierce battle for their survival, openly disagreeing with Tora-Asi, who intended to proceed with her plans for Banchii's future. Upon returning to the temple for further discussions, the Banchii Jedi convened in their operations hall to analyze their understanding of the Nihil and their interference in the village. When Ru-Ru discovered that the planetary communications systems were non-functional, Tora-Asi decided to take the Initiates to Starlight Beacon to alert the Jedi there about the communications breakdown. While Tora-Asi was away, Padawan Fionn uncovered sabotage within the temple's internal systems and informed Master Malagán about the imminent invasion.
As Nihil starfighters descended into the skies surrounding the temple, Master Malagán and Padawan Fionn led the defense of the temple and the settlers. As Nihil marauders advanced towards the temple on foot, Ru-Ru defended the gates by employing the Force to repel the attackers, while the armed settlers engaged the terrorists with gunfire. Within the forests, the Nihil established cannons and initiated artillery fire on the Temple's spire in an attempt to undermine the Jedi's control over the facility. Recognizing that the temple was beyond saving, the returned Jedi Knight Tora-Asi ordered the evacuation of all settlers and Jedi before utilizing her own Vector starfighter to target the temple with fire, aiming to prevent the Nihil from accessing the Archives within. Tora-Asi's attack resulted in the collapse of the temple spire, which subsequently fell onto the landing platform, leading to the facility's destruction. As smoke billowed from the temple's ruins, the surviving Jedi and settlers boarded the temple's remaining cargo ship and retreated to Coruscant.
Over the following year, Tora-Asi reestablished the temple.