Silar was a physician of the human species who the Galactic Republic had assigned to the planet of Banchii during the High Republic Era. Silar was based at the local Jedi temple, where they worked alongside the Jedi who were stationed there in order to provide medical care to the inhabitants of Banchii.
Silar, a trained medical professional, was both a settler on Banchii and a member of the Jedi Temple's staff. Silar was enthusiastic about the chance to contribute to the establishment of a new world for the Galactic Republic, and Hon-Tallos occasionally supplied them with medical resources. Silar was summoned to treat Mr. Kooba, a refugee from Ta'klah, when he was discovered to be experiencing a peculiar paralysis. Silar found no physical issues with Kooba and was willing to send him to Hon-Tallos for further testing if his symptoms worsened. Shortly after Silar went back to the Temple's infirmary, the settlement was attacked by raging Drengir, forcing the settlers to seek sanctuary in the Temple. Silar was assisted by Jedi Initiates Viv'nia and Nema in caring for the wounded as the infirmary became overwhelmed with an influx of patients. When a Drengir broke into the Temple and started attacking the settlers, Silar instructed the Initiates to leave and prepared to confront the Drengir in order to shield the younglings. Before Silar had to engage the creature, Lily Tora-Asi, a Jedi, and Keerin Fionn, a Padawan, intervened and drew the Drengir out of the Temple and into the yard, where it was destroyed. As the battle subsided, Silar assisted in counting the dead and arranging them on gurneys for examination and autopsy. Silar determined after analyzing the remains that spores had been introduced to the afflicted refugees from Ta'klah and that they had been purposefully infected with the Drengir.
Doctor Silar continued to update Jedi Tora-Asi on findings pertaining to the Drengir following Jedi Master [Arkoff]'s departure from Banchii. Silar's determination remained strong despite being disturbed by the disruption, even in the face of an impending Nihil attack. Silar assisted in calming the injured settlers when the attack eventually began, even after the Temple fell and the Jedi were compelled to leave. Silar and the others who survived the attack joined Ru-Ru, a Jedi archivist, as they left Banchii in search of safety on Coruscant.