During the High Republic Era, there existed a human female Jedi Knight named Lily Tora-Asi. As a member of the Jedi Order, Tora-Asi was stationed on the far-flung planet of Banchii. It was there that she mentored Jedi younglings such as Nima Allets and Viv'Nia Nia'Viv, working alongside her former Jedi Master, Arkoff, and her own Padawan, Keerin Fionn. Following the Great Hyperspace Disaster of 232 BBY, Tora-Asi and her fellow Jedi dedicated themselves to assisting displaced civilians in finding refuge on Banchii. When the inhabitants of Banchii's settlement sought assistance, Tora-Asi launched an investigation into the nearby forest. There, she discovered several deceased residents and one individual, Kooba, transformed into wood. Subsequently, she returned to the settlement only to find it under attack by the Drengir, a sentient species of carnivorous plant. Recognizing the ineffectiveness of lightsabers against these creatures, she conceived a strategy to use fire to combat the Drengir. With the combined efforts of the other Jedi, they successfully repelled the attack.
Around 230 BBY, Tora-Asi directed the settlement's farmers to construct protective bunkers in anticipation of potential assaults by the Nihil marauders. The arrival of Jedi Master Savina Besatrix Malagán on Banchii led to the discovery of Nihil sabotage. Following this revelation, Tora-Asi journeyed to the Starlight Beacon space station to deliver a report to Arkoff and Jedi Master Stellan Gios. Upon her return to Banchii, she found the planet under attack by the Nihil. During the conflict, Fionn was deceived by the Nihil spy, Zaret, resulting in his death. Grieving the loss of her Padawan, Tora-Asi made the difficult decision to destroy Banchii's temple, preventing the Nihil from acquiring the information they sought within. After the Nihil's retreat, the Jedi received a communication from the Jedi Council, informing them of the fallen Starlight Beacon and ordering all Jedi to return to Coruscant, the galactic capital. However, Tora-Asi chose to defy the Council's command and remain on Banchii.
For the next year, Tora-Asi dedicated herself to restoring the Banchii temple. By approximately 228 BBY, she was reunited with her fellow Jedi, who had returned to Banchii. As they collaborated on the temple's reconstruction, the wooden remains of those who perished in the Drengir attack arose from their graves and communicated with the Jedi. Tora-Asi sought assistance from Coruscant in their investigation, leading to the arrival of Grand Master Yoda and former Jedi Azlin Rell. It was soon revealed that the Drengir were responsible for the mysterious figures they had encountered. Not long after, Nihil forces, led by the scientist Niv Drendow Apruk, launched another attack on Banchii. With the combined efforts of the Drengir and Banchiians, Tora-Asi and her fellow Jedi successfully defeated the Nihil and their Force-consuming Nameless creatures, compelling Apruk to retreat.
During the High Republic Era, a human female named Lily Tora-Asi served as a Jedi within the Jedi Order. She was the Padawan of Arkoff, a Wookiee Jedi Master. After achieving the rank of Jedi Knight, she took on Keerin Fionn as her own Padawan. Around 232 BBY, Tora-Asi played a role in establishing the Jedi temple on the remote Outer Rim planet Banchii, located in the Inugg system. She also undertook several supply missions to Hon-Tallos, another planet within the Inugg system. Tora-Asi held an instructional position at the Banchii temple, where she taught not only Fionn but also Jedi younglings such as Nima Allets and Viv'Nia Nia'Viv.

One morning shortly after the settlement of Banchii, Tora-Asi, along with Fionn, Allets, Nia'Viv, and the droid DD-1A, discovered a cave in the forest near the temple. Upon entering the cave, Tora-Asi noticed Nia'Viv's unease and reminded her to remember her friendship with Allets and that she was not alone. During their exploration, Allets inadvertently triggered a trap that launched small wooden arrows at her, prompting a group of Banchiians—small, non-humans native to Banchii—to attack the Jedi. Tora-Asi used the Force to pacify the situation, causing the Banchiians to cease their attack.
She then observed items that had been reported missing from the nearby settlement, realizing that the Banchiians were the source of the settlers' complaints. As the Banchiians did not share a common language with the Jedi, Tora-Asi instructed Allets to communicate through drawings in the sand. The Jedi came to understand that the Banchiians lacked a concept of ownership, leading Tora-Asi to propose the establishment of a communal space for sharing items. After Allets conveyed this idea to the Banchiians, they offered to return the items they had taken, but Tora-Asi permitted them to keep them. The Jedi then returned to the temple to report their findings.

Following the Great Hyperspace Disaster in 232 BBY, Tora-Asi and Arkoff were tasked with assisting displaced civilians in resettling on Banchii. En route back to Banchii, they discussed the disaster and the challenge of balancing care for others with the emotional toll of their suffering. Tora-Asi vowed to surpass Arkoff's efforts and expressed her expectation that her own Padawan would do the same. She then prepared for their arrival and checked on the settlers. During this process, she inquired about the seeds of Kooba, a settler, unaware that these seeds were actually from the Drengir, a sentient species of carnivorous plant. Upon the arrival of their ship, they were greeted by Fionn and the younglings. After welcoming the settlers, Tora-Asi delivered medicine to Silar, a doctor stationed at the Banchii temple, and discussed the importance of helping others.
Later, while meditating with Fionn, Tora-Asi experienced a Force vision of someone seeking help, but chose not to share it with Fionn when questioned. She was then nearly struck by Nia'Viv's training lightsaber after she lost control during practice with Allets. The two younglings and Arkoff then approached Tora-Asi and Fionn, and Arkoff requested a demonstration, which they agreed to provide. Tora-Asi and Fionn engaged in two duels, during which Arkoff observed the younglings' reactions and imparted lessons on the responsible use of a lightsaber. Following the demonstration, Tora-Asi offered dueling advice to the younglings. Afterward, she discussed Allets' and Nia'Viv's progress with Fionn.

At a later time, Tora-Asi was walking through the settlement with her Padawan when she witnessed Ru-Ru, the Jedi archivist, assisting a civilian. She reflected on the sense of balance that had been achieved within the settlement. While discussing the upcoming harvest season with Fionn, Zaret, a spy for the Nihil marauders disguised as a farmer, approached them and requested that the Jedi check on Kooba, who had been missing for some time. Upon arriving at Kooba's residence, they found him unresponsive, prompting Fionn to summon Silar and Arkoff. During their examination of Kooba, he suddenly claimed to be fine. Silar and the Jedi departed, resolving to check on him again later.
Upon returning to the temple, Ru-Ru reported that a group of residents had gathered to seek assistance from the Jedi. The residents explained that areas of their farms had been disturbed and that they had heard strange noises. Tora-Asi agreed to investigate, and Arkoff suggested that she bring the younglings to broaden her perspective. While searching the nearby forest with the aid of DD-1A, Fionn inquired whether younglings made his master uncomfortable, to which she replied that while they did not, they could sometimes be overwhelming. Tora-Asi then shared how Arkoff felt she needed to be more flexible, but she believed in upholding her principles. The Jedi then discovered plant residue and tracks leading back to the settlement. Tora-Asi instructed the younglings and DD-1A to return and alert Arkoff, while she and Fionn hurried back to the settlement. On their way, they discovered Kooba, who appeared to have been turned to wood, along with several dead residents.

As they approached the settlement, Tora-Asi observed that it was engulfed in fire and urged the residents to seek refuge at the temple. While pondering the cause of the destruction, she identified the Drengir as the culprits. Tora-Asi and Fionn, soon joined by Arkoff and Ru-Ru, began fighting the Drengir, but found that their lightsabers were ineffective due to the creatures' rapid regeneration. During the battle, Tora-Asi heard a scream emanating from the temple, prompting her and Fionn to return while Ru-Ru and Arkoff remained to combat the Drengir. Upon arriving at the temple, they found Allets and Nia'Viv attempting to fend off another Drengir. Tora-Asi swiftly dispatched the creature, but it began to regenerate. As it did so, she began to formulate a plan. When the Drengir regenerated, she deactivated her lightsabers to lure it into attacking her, then led it away from the temple.
Tora-Asi and Fionn regrouped with Arkoff and Ru-Ru, who believed they had defeated a Drengir by bisecting it, only to witness it regenerate into separate entities. Now aware that lightsabers were ineffective against the Drengir, Tora-Asi requested that Arkoff and Ru-Ru drive the creatures towards a nearby lake while she prepared several barrels of flammable oil. Once her preparations were complete, Tora-Asi used the Force to douse the creatures in the liquid and then had Fionn ignite them with a torch. Noticing that the Drengir were still moving, the four Jedi collaborated to fan the flames engulfing the creatures, eventually stopping them. Tora-Asi then sensed a disturbance in the Force originating from the Outer Rim planet Valo, where the Republic Fair was under attack by the Nihil, but felt she had to remain focused on Banchii.

One week later, Jedi Master Stellan Gios visited Banchii as part of his inspection of all the temples in the sector. Gios spoke with Tora-Asi, informing her of the Nihil attack on Valo and the Great Progenitor, a being who controlled the Drengir. He reassured her that the Banchii temple remained standing due to her bravery. Gios then informed her that the Jedi Council had summoned Arkoff to assist him. Tora-Asi expressed concern about a potential Nihil attack and was reluctant for Arkoff to leave, but when Arkoff advised her to broaden her perspective, she accepted the Council's decision. Before departing, Tora-Asi promised Arkoff that she would protect Banchii in his absence and care for his plants. After she left, Gios remarked to Arkoff that he was strict with her but agreed that she was the type to thrive under criticism.
Outside, Tora-Asi addressed the settlement's residents' concerns about the Nihil and Drengir, reassuring them that the Jedi would protect them. After they dispersed, Gios exited the temple and spoke with Tora-Asi again, emphasizing her role as a bridge between the Jedi and the people. He then reminded her that difficulties fostered growth and that all Jedi, including himself, learned from their experiences.
After Arkoff and Gios departed, Tora-Asi conducted a training session for Fionn and the younglings. While Fionn and Allets sparred, Tora-Asi focused on Nia'Viv's control of the Force. When Nia'Viv was distracted by her friend's victory over Fionn, Tora-Asi instructed her to remain focused and vigilant for any disturbances in the Force. When the youngling inquired how she would recognize a disturbance, Tora-Asi deemed the topic too advanced and suggested practicing telekinesis instead. It then began to rain, and the Jedi returned to the temple.

Later, while sleeping, Tora-Asi sensed a disturbance in the Force and experienced a vision of the Drengir and the Nihil, causing her to awaken. She decided to patrol the settlement's perimeter with Fionn. During their patrol, she questioned Zaret, asking if he had observed anything unusual the previous night. Zaret claimed to have been organizing Kooba's stockroom and suggested planting something meaningful to honor his memory, reminding Tora-Asi of the seed container Kooba had possessed, prompting her to rush back to the temple.
Upon returning to the temple, Silar reported that the Drengir appeared to have mutated based on Banchii's resources and that they had discovered unusual spores during an autopsy. Silar stated that they were unsure whether the spores were for consumption or reproduction, but their progression seemed to have been halted after the defeat of the Great Progenitor. Tora-Asi suggested that Kooba may have brought the seeds in his container and that someone may have been using him to plant the Drengir on Banchii. Given the Nihil's use of Drengir on Valo, the Jedi were concerned about a Nihil presence on Banchii and decided to alert both the nearby temple on Hon-Tallos and the Starlight Beacon space station.

In 230 BBY, Silar completed their analysis of the Drengir and presented their findings to Tora-Asi. They informed her that the Drengir's ability to turn individuals into wood appeared unique to Banchii and inquired whether she had located Kooba's container, which she had not. The two discussed their well-being, agreeing that staying occupied helped them cope with the events of the Drengir's attack.
Still concerned about a potential Nihil attack, Tora-Asi had the settlement's farmers construct bunkers. When one farmer questioned the necessity, expressing a preference for repairing their farm in preparation for the harvest, Tora-Asi reminded them of the need to remain vigilant against Nihil attacks. The residents remained unconvinced, insisting on repairing their farms and lamenting Arkoff's absence. Tora-Asi then walked to where Fionn was training with Allets and Nia'Viv. She scolded them for being distracted, but the younglings protested that the Banchiians wanted to join their training. When Tora-Asi insisted on improving their focus, Fionn reminded her that she had encouraged continued dialogue with the Banchiians and that the younglings were simply following her instructions. After Tora-Asi stated that their priorities had shifted since the attack, Fionn replied that he was concerned about Tora-Asi's expression, which she often wore when deep in thought and filled with worry. Tora-Asi admitted that she remained concerned about a Nihil attack and that she was overexerting herself to prevent others from worrying, but that it was having the opposite effect.

Later, Jedi Master Savina Besatrix Malagán arrived at the settlement aboard a Jedi Vector. Although Tora-Asi had never met her, she was familiar with her reputation and described Malagán to her Padawan as "unique." Malagán explained that she had come to inspect Banchii, as she suspected the Nihil's presence in the system. Tora-Asi argued that they were too insignificant for the Nihil to target, but Malagán pointed out that they were constructing bunkers for a reason. When Nia'Viv and Allets arrived to introduce themselves, they mentioned that Malagán had landed in the construction zone, which frustrated Tora-Asi, who noted that they were already behind schedule.
Malagán informed Tora-Asi that their bunkers were too small to effectively defend against the Nihil and that they would need to construct a fortress, which would require dismantling homes in the settlement for materials, to create a sufficiently strong defense. She then revealed a crate of blasters she had brought to arm the settlers. Tora-Asi and Fionn argued against this, asserting that their mission was to protect their way of life, but Malagán countered that she was being too inflexible and that there was no point in protecting their way of life if no one survived. Malagán then attempted to persuade Tora-Asi to question the villagers, which she refused to do to avoid causing panic.

As they deliberated, an explosion occurred near the bunkers. Although no one was seriously injured, Tora-Asi sent some of the villagers to the temple's infirmary for evaluation. Inside the temple, Tora-Asi presented several bombs that had been recovered. The Jedi discussed the possibility of a Nihil presence on Banchii and decided to restrict travel to and from the planet. After Tora-Asi instructed the younglings and Ru-Ru not to engage the Nihil independently, Ru-Ru suggested contacting Arkoff to inform him of the incident, which Tora-Asi agreed with, stating that she valued his advice.
After attempting to contact the Jedi Master, Ru-Ru reported that comms were down, prompting Malagán to suggest that Tora-Asi visit Starlight Beacon for assistance. Although Tora-Asi was hesitant to leave Banchii unattended, she agreed to go. When Malagán suggested that she bring Nima and Allets to broaden their experiences, Tora-Asi acquiesced after witnessing the younglings' excitement. Before departing, Tora-Asi entrusted Ru-Ru with maintaining calm among the settlers and tasked Fionn with monitoring Malagán and protecting Banchii. She then spoke with Malagán, stating that despite their differing philosophies, she welcomed her ideas. Malagán responded by advising Tora-Asi to be more adaptable like water rather than rigid like stone.
Upon arriving at Starlight, Tora-Asi resolved to locate Gios or Arkoff to provide them with an update. After Allets pointed out a group of Jedi and suggested inquiring about the Jedi Masters' whereabouts, Tora-Asi approached a human Jedi, who informed her of the impending Great Jedi Rumble Race but was unaware of Gios's and Arkoff's location. Tora-Asi questioned the wisdom of hosting a race at that time but conceded that taking a moment for enjoyment might be necessary. As Starlight was congested due to the event, she suggested to the younglings that they participate in the race to navigate the station more easily. Although she was briefly caught up in trying to win the race, Tora-Asi remembered her primary objective and successfully located Arkoff and Gios. She permitted Allets and Nia'Viv to finish the race and then informed the Masters of the explosion caused by the Nihil.

Although Tora-Asi attempted to accept responsibility for the attack, Gios advised her to contemplate her decisions, while also acknowledging the Nihil's exceptional organization and the limitations of her preparedness. Arkoff and Gios both concurred that Banchii was likely to be targeted again by the Nihil, with Arkoff informing Tora-Asi that he would be absent from Banchii for an extended duration. Subsequently, they engaged in a discussion comparing Tora-Asi and Malagán, during which Gios reiterated the need for Tora-Asi to cultivate greater adaptability and self-assurance. Before the meeting concluded, Tora-Asi expressed her gratitude to Gios and Arkoff and mentioned that the younglings were nearing readiness for their Initiate Trials.
On her way to locate Allets and Nia'Viv, Tora-Asi encountered Jedi Padawan Lula Talisola together with her companion Zeen Mrala. They reminisced about their previous encounter, which occurred around the time Starlight Beacon was dedicated. Tora-Asi remarked on their changed demeanor, prompting Mrala to explain that they had been coping with recent calamities. Mrala inquired about Tora-Asi's relationship with Malagán, but Tora-Asi did not grasp the question. After informing Taliosa and Mrala of the purpose of her visit to Starlight, she departed to find Allets and Nia'Viv. Following her departure, Taliosa confided in Mrala her concern regarding Banchii's disrupted communications, but chose not to voice it in Tora-Asi's presence.

After Tora-Asi and the younglings boarded their vessel, Gios contacted them, relaying information about a distress call received from Hon-Tallos, indicating that their Jedi temple was being attacked. Tora-Asi was concerned about the possibility of the Nihil disrupting the hyperspace routes surrounding Banchii, but chose to remain optimistic.
As they approached Banchii, Tora-Asi's transport came under attack from several Nihil ships. Despite her attempts to return to the temple and the ship's resilience, Tora-Asi was compelled to execute an emergency landing in the adjacent forest. After ensuring the younglings' safety, she guided them toward the temple to assess the situation. Upon discovering Fionn, Ru-Ru, and several civilians engaged in combat with the Nihil, Tora-Asi joined the fray and rescued Fionn from one of the remaining Nihil. Subsequently, she cautioned him about the imminent arrival of additional Nihil forces.
Fionn informed his Master about the discovery of evidence suggesting sabotage within the temple, and then observed the absence of Allets and Nia'Viv. Concerned for their well-being due to the Nihil presence, Fionn decided to search for them in the forest. Tora-Asi expressed her concern regarding her Padawan's decision, but was unable to intervene before another wave of Nihil launched an attack. Malagán reassured Tora-Asi that she would pursue Fionn, instructing her to remain at the temple, where she possessed the greatest familiarity. As the Nihil advanced, Tora-Asi activated her lightsabers and engaged in combat to defend the temple.
In the forest, Malagán and Fionn discovered the younglings accompanied by a group of Banchiians, who led the Jedi to a substantial cannon being operated by the Nihil. Fearing that the cannon possessed the capacity to obliterate the Banchii temple, Fionn attempted a covert assault and seized a Nihil as a hostage. The Nihil responded by feigning the capture of Zaret, who unbeknownst to Fionn, was a Nihil spy. Fionn complied, and the Nihil released Zaret, who then fatally shot Fionn with his blaster pistol. Upon hearing the gunshot, Tora-Asi hastened toward the forest. En route, she encountered Ru-Ru and the younglings, who informed her about the Nihil cannon.

Upon arriving, Tora-Asi found Malagán cradling Fionn's lifeless body, and learned of Zaret's treachery. Inwardly, Tora-Asi held herself accountable for her Padawan's demise, and clung to his body, refusing to depart. Eventually, Malagán persuaded her that they needed to persevere in order to honor his memory. She ultimately relinquished Fionn and stood, suggesting to Malagán that they utilize the ship in which she landed in the forest to escape. Malagán disagreed with Tora-Asi's proposal, but Tora-Asi emphasized that Malagán had previously advocated for prioritizing their lives, and that escape represented the sole means of safeguarding them. Malagán countered by suggesting that the Nihil's decision to spare the temple indicated their pursuit of something within it, prompting Tora-Asi to conceive a new strategy to destroy the temple.
The two Jedi returned to the temple, where Ru-Ru and the local civilians were attempting to repel the Nihil. Upon entering the temple, Tora-Asi ordered an evacuation and informed the others of Fionn's death, while urging them to maintain hope. She instructed Ru-Ru to accompany the younglings and the settlers to the forest where the transport ship was located. Following the evacuation, Malagán fought her way to the Nihil cannon and redirected it toward the Banchii temple. Simultaneously, Tora-Asi ascended in Malagán's Vector and fired upon the temple, obliterating it.
After reuniting with the evacuees in the forest, Tora-Asi knelt beside Fionn's body and silently bid farewell to her Padawan, acknowledging the profound lessons she had learned from him. Malagán informed the refugees that destroying the temple was the only way to prevent the Nihil from extracting information from it. Tora-Asi lamented that Banchii, once envisioned as a place for renewal, had become a wasteland, with the loss of not only the temple, but also the community and the farmland. Subsequently, Malagán received an urgent transmission from the galactic capital Coruscant. Jedi Masters Xo Lahru, Pra-Tre Veter, and Soleil Agra informed them that Starlight Beacon had fallen and that all Jedi were being summoned back to Coruscant.

Following the transmission, Ru-Ru informed the group that the cargo ship was operational and capable of making the journey, but Malagán declared her intention to remain behind to pursue remaining Nihil on Hon-Tallos. Tora-Asi then also announced her decision to remain on Banchii. Allets attempted to persuade her to comply with the council's directives, but Tora-Asi explained that she understood the need for flexibility, as Malagán had advised, and that she would have been devastated by the day's events had she remained inflexible. After bidding farewell, the other Jedi and civilians departed, leaving Tora-Asi behind with the Banchiians. She then noticed Fionn's lightsaber, which she retrieved. As she observed the smoke rising from the temple's ruins, she silently vowed to remain on Banchii to protect it and honor Fionn's legacy, as long as she possessed the strength to do so.
At a later time, the Nihil returned to the temple's ruins to search for the journal of Azlin Rell, a former Jedi who had been a Padawan of Arkoff, which was concealed with the ZZ-model droid ZZ-10. Arkoff arrived to rescue the droid, and was soon joined by Malagán, who informed him that Tora-Asi had defied the Council's orders. When ZZ-10 inquired about Tora-Asi, Malagán assured the droid that she was earnest and that he would appreciate her.
Several weeks following the fall of Starlight, specifically in 229 BBY, the Vurk Jedi Master Harli Cogra authored a book entitled Chronicles of the Jedi, which chronicled the Jedi of the High Republic Era. Tora-Asi was mentioned in the sixth chapter of the book.

Over the ensuing year, Tora-Asi rebuilt the Banchii temple. Around 228 BBY, she meditated among a collection of grave markers, reflecting on those who had perished in the conflicts against the Drengir and Nihil, including Fionn. She resolved to be adaptable, reacting in the moment rather than anticipating future events. After receiving an alert from Shosho, a Banchiian leader, she concluded her meditation and encountered Arkoff and Malagán outside the temple. A transport soon landed, and Allets, Nia'Viv, Silar, Ru-Ru, and ZZ-10 disembarked. Tora-Asi greeted them all, and they recounted the events that had transpired since their departure. The younglings expressed their eagerness to assist, prompting Tora-Asi to assign Allets to accompany her to the temple, and Nia'Viv to join Ru-Ru at the settlement.
Later, the group shared a meal. Tora-Asi and Arkoff stood together, noting the younglings' restored happiness and Tora-Asi's transformation during her time alone on Banchii. She then inquired whether Arkoff wished to discuss Rell, who had killed numerous individuals on the planet Travyx Prime and succumbed to the dark side of the Force. However, Arkoff declined to discuss his former Padawan.
Malagán abruptly announced her intention to travel to Astenban, a largely uninhabited moon located near Banchii's main hyperspace route. She explained that a base existed there that the Nihil could exploit to launch attacks on Banchii and other planets in the vicinity. As the moon was soon to enter the Nihil's Stormwall hyperspace barrier, they would have an opportunity to seize it, which Malagán sought to prevent. She also aimed to ensure that the Nihil could not acquire Rell's journal, which contained information about the Force-consuming Nameless creatures. ZZ-10 and Shosho both expressed their desire to accompany her, which surprised Tora-Asi, but Malagán agreed to their participation. Before departing in her Vector, Malagán remarked on Tora-Asi's positive transformation and requested that she watch over Arkoff.

Following Malagán's departure, the remaining Jedi and the Banchiians continued their efforts to restore the Jedi temple. While in the temple's medical facility, Tora-Asi informed Silar and Ru-Ru that she had been sensing a disturbance in the Force. In response, Ru-Ru suggested the possibility of another Nihil attack, and Silar expressed their hope that the facility would be adequate. When Tora-Asi raised the issue of reinforcing the temple, Silar questioned her decision to entrust Allets and Nia'Viv with the responsibility for its main structure. Tora-Asi affirmed her belief in them, noting that Allets had become more composed and Nia'Viv more proactive.

She then heard cries from the Banchiians and rushed outside to the younglings. As she did, she sensed the disturbance intensify and heard a voice urging them to flee. Upon arriving, the younglings confirmed their safety, but recounted seeing someone resembling Kooba. Tora-Asi declared that this was impossible, as he was deceased, and suggested that it might have been the Drengir. Ru-Ru proposed that it might have been the youngling's imagination, but Tora-Asi reminded her that they had also heard the voice. The Jedi then noticed that Kooba's grave had been disturbed and his body was missing, prompting Tora-Asi to decide that it was necessary to contact Coruscant. Tora-Asi and Arkoff spoke with Jedi Grand Master Yoda and reported the events to him. When Arkoff suggested enlisting Rell's assistance in the investigation, Yoda concurred.
Later, while the younglings were transporting supplies, Nia'Viv was startled by the wind. Tora-Asi reassured her and acknowledged her anxiety after witnessing the mysterious figure, but reminded her that he had not caused any harm. She told her that as a Jedi, she must cultivate patience and understanding for the unknown, comparing the wind, which was once an unexplained phenomenon but was now understood, to the figure, who they currently did not understand, but eventually would. She then reminded the younglings that they needed to focus on preparing for the Nihil attack, and that they should remain calm to avoid alarming the Banchiians.
The Jedi were then alerted by an activation of their sensors. Soon, more of the mysterious figures the younglings had seen approached, and Silar recognized them as the civilians that the Drengir had previously transformed into wood. The Banchiians prepared their weapons, but Tora-Asi informed them that she did not sense any malicious intent. She decided that as Yoda would soon arrive to assist with the investigation, and that the wooden figures were standing harmlessly, they should leave them undisturbed.

After Yoda arrived with Rell and Jedi Knight Reath Silas, he commented on the progress made in rebuilding the temple. Tora-Asi apologized to Yoda for disobeying the Council's order to return to Coruscant, but Yoda assured her that she had not erred by thinking independently rather than blindly following orders. The Jedi then examined the wooden bodies and noted that the graves of those transformed into wood were empty. Rell then announced that he had been sensing fear from everyone, including the Drengir, although he did not know what they feared. When Tora-Asi asked him if their fear was the reason they were urging them to flee, Rell responded by questioning whether she claimed to understand fear.
To advance their investigation, Rell suggested dissecting the wooden figures, but Tora-Asi disagreed, explaining that she had not sensed hostility from them and that they were distinct from the Drengir. Rell responded by asking her if she was making a prudent decision as the one responsible for protecting the temple. Before she could respond, Arkoff requested to speak with Rell privately. During their conversation, Rell expressed his surprise that Tora-Asi was in charge of the temple instead of Arkoff and asserted that she seemed naive and inexperienced. Arkoff countered by highlighting her strong communication and empathy skills. Rell replied that she was fortunate to have been able to communicate with those on Banchii thus far, but that there were also those with whom she could not communicate, and that she had not yet experienced true fear.

Once Arkoff and Rell returned, Tora-Asi attempted to communicate with the wooden figures and asked them to explain their appearance. In response to her question, Drengir emerged from the ground. Rell declared that they must be killed, but Tora-Asi stopped him, saying she did not sense any intent to attack. However, Tora-Asi and Silas both briefly panicked when the Drengir said the words "meat" and "eat", before calming when the Drengir clarified that their intention was not to consume them. The Drengir explained that they had been freed from stasis during the battle months before, and that they had become aware of a plague known as the Blight. The Drengir further explained that diseased roots were spreading through the galaxy, and they needed to escape. Tora-Asi and Silas attempted to question the Drengir further, but they stopped responding. Tora-Asi then noticed multiple Nihil ships approaching. They landed nearby, and a group of Nihil led by the scientist Niv Drendow Apruk exited along with multiple Nameless.
As the Nameless approached, Tora-Asi began to feel their effects and started strategizing for the coming battle. Recalling Fionn's death, she resolved not let a similar situation happen again, and asked Rell to take the younglings to safety. Although both he and Silas were surprised by her request, he agreed and Allets and Nia'Viv followed him away. As she considered how to deal with the Nameless, the Banchiians said that they would help draw the Nameless away, as they were unaffected by them. To the surprise of Silas, she then asked the Drengir to assist them in the fight, which they agreed to. After noticing the Nihil approaching, the Jedi ignited their lightsabers and prepared to fight.

The battle soon began, and Tora-Asi and the other Jedi worked with the Drengir to fight the Nihil. As she fought, Tora-Asi continued to feel the effects of the Nameless, and looked to see where they were. She saw the Banchiians leading one away, but realized there were two others she did not see. As the Nameless got closer, she realized the Banchiians would not be able to hold them off forever, and that they needed a plan to defeat them. She asked Ru-Ru if the bunkers they had previously built were being used, and Ru-Ru told her that construction materials were being stored in them. Tora-Asi informed the others that she had a plan, and lead the Nameless toward the bunkers, over which a covering had been placed.
As she reached a bunker, she leapt over it and turned to watch the Nameless, who she hoped would fall into it. However, the Nameless instead also jumped over the bunker. Noticing this, Silas threw a rope at the Nameless, but in doing so, got too close the Nameless and was unable to reach it with the rope due to its effects. A group of Banchiians was close enough to the rope, and were able to leap to catch it and tie it around the Nameless's leg. They were then able to pull the Nameless back and cause to fall into the bunker. Once it had fallen, Tora-Asi, Silas, and Ru-Ru used the Force to collapse the bunker, sealing the Nameless inside. After seeing that the Nameless had been defeated and learning that the Nihil had been able to capture the Force-sensitive creature Zimtok on Astenban, Apruk decided to retreat.

After Apruk's retreat, a small number of Nihil were left behind and captured by the Jedi. Shortly after, Malagán landed in a captured Nihil ship. Tora-Asi told her that most of the Nihil had escaped, but that the younglings were safe. Malagán then informed her of what had occurred on her mission, explaining that Shosho had stowed away on a Nihil ship after Zimtok was captured. Tora-Asi responded by asking Malagán to rescue Shosho, explaining that she could not go herself as she needed to stay on Banchii in case of another attack, and that she also wanted to be there when the younglings returned. Malagán agreed to her request, and Arkoff decided to accompany her as well. Tora-Asi promised to the Banchiians that they could rely on the Jedi Masters to rescue Shosho, and then stood to watch as their starship departed.
At some point no earlier than 35 ABY, the protocol droid C-3PO penned a book concerning Wookiees. Within the book, C-3P0 made reference to Arkoff and the young Jedi under his guidance, which included Tora-Asi.

Lily Tora-Asi took her Jedi duties seriously and performed them with dedication. When Nima Allets and Viv'Nia Nia'Viv grew enthusiastic about the Republic Fair while stationed on Banchii, Tora-Asi, together with Arkoff, reminded them of the Jedi's established priorities. At that moment, those priorities were assisting the people of Banchii above all else. Additionally, Tora-Asi displayed both bravery and swift thinking. After realizing that lightsabers were ineffective against the Drengir, she quickly came up with a plan to incinerate them, which proved successful in their defeat. During the Nihil's assault, which was spearheaded by Niv Drendow Apruk, she formulated strategies to shield the younglings in her care and to overcome the Nameless.
Despite her devotion to the Jedi Order and its principles, Tora-Asi sometimes questioned whether her efforts to aid the galaxy's inhabitants were sufficient, and whether she possessed the capacity to navigate unforeseen circumstances. Consequently, Arkoff frequently urged her to adopt a broader, more adaptable viewpoint. Tora-Asi was a serious individual with unyielding principles and strong beliefs. However, this was frequently perceived as inflexibility, leading Arkoff and Sav Malagán to advise her to cultivate greater flexibility. Stellan Gios shared their sentiment and also felt she needed to be more self-assured. Both Arkoff and Gios were of the opinion that she flourished when given constructive criticism. In time, Tora-Asi developed a more flexible approach and even disobeyed the Jedi Council's directive to return to Coruscant. She also learned to trust her instincts in order to devise innovative solutions to the problems she encountered. Arkoff also saw her as empathetic and possessing exceptional communication abilities. However, Azlin Rell regarded her as innocent and lacking experience. Tora-Asi was committed to tradition and worked diligently to improve her lightsaber skills and deepen her connection with the Force. She was also a committed and thoughtful leader.
Tora-Asi was a human woman characterized by black hair, green eyes, and a fair complexion. She had a height of 1.65 meters (equivalent to 5 ft, 5 in). In the year 229 BBY, she was considered to be young. After the fall of Starlight Beacon, while she was alone on Banchii, her hair grew longer, and she often tucked one side of it behind her ear.
Lily Tora-Asi demonstrated proficiency in Jar'Kai, a lightsaber combat style that emphasizes the simultaneous use of two lightsabers. In Chronicles of the Jedi, Harli Cogra remarked that Tora-Asi's lightsaber skills were considered to be beyond question. She effectively utilized her lightsaber skills during the Drengir attack on Banchii, as well as the Nihil assaults. As a Jedi Knight, Tora-Asi possessed Force-sensitivity and had the ability to use telekinesis, which she employed to great effect during the Drengir conflict. In addition to her fluency in Galactic Basic, Tora-Asi had an understanding of the Wookiee language Shyriiwook and was able to communicate with Arkoff.
Lily Tora-Asi carried a matching pair of lightsabers, each emitting a green blade and featuring distinctive handguards. The hilts were forged from golden and coppery metals, and they included rounded pommels with circular crossguards positioned around their emitter assemblies. The lightsabers were designed with similar weights and control surfaces to facilitate combat with two hands.
Tora-Asi was often seen wearing gold and white Jedi apparel. Depending on the situation, she would also wear mission robes and Temple robes. Her mission attire incorporated gauntlets and a dark-colored outer robe. She wore high boots to shield her legs during battle.

Lily Tora-Asi's initial appearance occurred simultaneously in both the first volume of the manga series Star Wars: The High Republic: The Edge of Balance and in "The Banchiians," a supplementary chapter included within the volume. The primary volume was penned by Justina Ireland and Shima Shinya, with illustrations provided by Mizuki Sakakibara. "The Banchiians" featured a narrative by Shima, storyboarded by Sakakibara, and illustrated by Nezu Usugumo. Viz Media released the volume on September 7, 2021, as part of Phase I of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project. The character's image first graced the cover of The High Republic: The Edge of Balance, Vol. 1 during its unveiling to the public at the launch livestream for Star Wars: The High Republic on January 4, 2021. She was subsequently identified as Lily Tora-Asi in the inaugural episode of Star Wars: The High Republic Show on January 27.
Sakakibara conceptualized the covers of each volume in the series to correspond to one of the four seasons, with Volume 1's cover, featuring Tora-Asi, symbolizing autumn. Sakakibara's developmental artwork of Tora-Asi was incorporated into the second and third volumes of the series, which were launched on February 22, 2022 as part of The High Republic's Phase I, and on August 13, 2024 as part of the project's Phase III, respectively. In the reference publication Star Wars Encyclopedia: The Comprehensive Guide to the Star Wars Galaxy, which was published on November 7, 2024, Tora-Asi is erroneously identified as a Jedi Master within Banchii's entry, despite being accurately described as a Jedi Knight elsewhere in the same book.