A civilian of the human species resided within a settlement located on the planet of Banchii, which itself was situated in the Outer Rim. During the year 231 BBY, this individual experienced a fall from a ladder, but was rescued by Ru-Ru, a Jedi archivist. Subsequently, Ru-Ru inquired about their well-being, to which they confirmed that they were indeed alright. Witnessing this act of assistance by Ru-Ru, Lily Tora-Asi, a Jedi Knight, reflected on how Ru-Ru had grown to be just as important to the people of Banchii as she and her Padawan, Keerin Fionn, were.
This civilian character's initial appearance was in Star Wars: The High Republic: The Edge of Balance manga series' first volume. The manga, which is part of Phase I of the larger Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia initiative, was authored by Shima Shinya and Justina Ireland, with illustrations by Mizuki Sakakibara. Viz Media released it to the public in 2021.