Unidentified civilian

A civilian of the human species resided within a settlement located on the planet of Banchii, which itself was situated in the Outer Rim. During the year 231 BBY, this individual experienced a fall from a ladder, but was rescued by Ru-Ru, a Jedi archivist. Subsequently, Ru-Ru inquired about their well-being, to which they confirmed that they were indeed alright. Witnessing this act of assistance by Ru-Ru, Lily Tora-Asi, a Jedi Knight, reflected on how Ru-Ru had grown to be just as important to the people of Banchii as she and her Padawan, Keerin Fionn, were.

Behind the scenes

This civilian character's initial appearance was in Star Wars: The High Republic: The Edge of Balance manga series' first volume. The manga, which is part of Phase I of the larger Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia initiative, was authored by Shima Shinya and Justina Ireland, with illustrations by Mizuki Sakakibara. Viz Media released it to the public in 2021.

