The planet Banchii, situated in the Inugg system during the High Republic Era, was positioned along what was known as Banchii's main hyperspace route, a type of hyperspace route. This planet was found in the Jjannex sector, within the Galactic Frontier section of the Outer Rim Territories. The moon called Astenban was located in proximity to this route.
In approximately 228 BBY, Savina Besatrix Malagán, a Jedi Master, declared her intention to travel to Astenban while she was on Banchii. Her goal was to thwart the Nihil pirates from seizing a base there, which they intended to use for attacks on nearby planets. When Ru-Ru, a Jedi archivist, inquired about Astenban's location, Lily Tora-Asi, a Jedi Knight, explained that it was a moon close to Banchii's primary hyperspace route. Subsequently, Malagán departed for Astenban and successfully destroyed the base.
The manga series Star Wars: The High Republic: The Edge of Balance mentioned Banchii's main hyperspace route in its third volume. Daniel José Older and Shima Shinya were the writers, and Viz Media published it on August 13, 2024. This publication was a part of Phase III of the larger Star Wars: The High Republic project.