
Zimtok was a creature attuned to the Force, residing on the lunar surface of Astenban throughout the age of the High Republic. As Astenban was consumed by the Nihil's Occlusion Zone, she formed a bond with Shosho, a Banchiian who had journeyed to the moon alongside Sav Malagán, a Jedi Master, and the droid ZZ-10 to hinder the Nihil's attempts to establish a stronghold. In the heat of battle, Zimtok was seized by the Nihil's soldiers, who were under the direction of the scientist Niv Drendow Apruk. In an effort to liberate his newfound companion, Shosho secretly boarded the Nihil vessel holding Zimtok captive. Fearing that the Nihil intended to deliver Zimtok to Baron Boolan, the Minister of Advancement, for experimentation, Malagán and Jedi Master Arkoff embarked on a mission to free them.

