The deceased body of Luminara Unduli suspended within a stasis field
Preservation was the function of a stasis field, a type of technology. Its operation involved manipulating the flow of time within the affected zone, typically by decelerating its progression or completely halting it. An instance of this technology being used was during the High Republic Era, when the Jedi Order triumphed over the Great Progenitor on the Wild Space world of Mulita. The Great Progenitor, who led the Drengir species of carnivorous plant lifeforms, was contained within a massive stasis field. In 5 BBY, the remains of Jedi Master Luminara Unduli were kept within a stasis field located in the Spire situated on Stygeon Prime. Syliure-31 hyperspace docking rings were equipped with stasis fields to regulate the aging rate of pilots, aligning it with the broader galaxy.
Furthermore, stasis fields had the capability to maintain the condition of living things, for example, flowering plants.