No-Space was a region of space situated within the Outer Rim Territories, effectively concealed from the rest of the galaxy and serving as the primary base of operations for the marauders known as the Nihil.
Hidden from the galaxy, No-Space was found in the Outer Rim Territories and could only be accessed via the Paths used by the Nihil; it contained the Great Hall of the Nihil, a sizable durasteel platform that was enclosed by vacuum shields, thus forming a dome filled with breathable atmosphere.

During the Great Hyperspace Disaster which occurred in 232 BBY, the Kezarat Convoy belonging to the Byne Guild, including its command ship, the Kezarat, vanished into No-Space after the convoy made the jump to hyperspace.
In 230 BBY, the Great Hall of the Nihil underwent fortification to defend against an anticipated attack by the Jedi. However, this defense proved unsuccessful, and the Jedi successfully invaded the Hall. Lourna Dee was taken into custody, and numerous pirates lost their lives, including Storm Muglan and Quin.

During the reign of the Galactic Empire, the Alliance to Restore the Republic, under the leadership of Amilyn Holdo, found themselves in desperate need of fuel amidst the ongoing Galactic Civil War and sought to locate the final destination of the Kezarat Convoy. Upon the rebels' arrival in the region, Blythe addressed them via a speaker, informing them of the necessity to surrender their weapons. When Captain Holdo refused, Blythe interpreted this as their final decision. He then declared that if they did not discard their weapons outside of the ship's magnetic shield, the rebels would find the airlock they were in vented. The rebels then complied with the request, and Holdo informed Blythe that they were now defenseless.
Following this, Blythe welcomed the rebels to the Colony of Kezarat, and General Leia Organa expressed her gratitude for saving their lives, stating that the rebels were willing to offer anything in return. However, she emphasized the importance of understanding their current location and the reason for their inability to leave, as they needed to return home. Blythe explained that they were in No-Space, where the usual rules do not apply, and that while individuals occasionally arrived there, no one had discovered a way out for over two centuries. Blythe concluded by advising the rebels to accept the reality that No-Space was now their permanent home, rather than dwelling on the possibility of returning.