The Convocation of the Force, also referred to as simply the Convocation or the Force Convocation, functioned as an advisory group and council. Its purpose was to foster understanding among the diverse Force religions that originated on the desert moon of Jedha during the High Republic Era. This body was established some years prior to 382 BBY. Among the religions that had representatives within the Convocation were the Disciples of the Whills, alongside the Fallanassi, the Lonto, the Matukai, the Jedi Order, and the Guardians of the Whills. Also represented were the Church of the Force, and the Sorcerers of Tund. Early in its existence, the Convocation was chaired by Kilan T'Dara, a Representative from the Church of the Force. At that point in time, the Path of the Open Hand cult, a minor religion centered on the planet Dalna, lacked representation on Jedha. However, Marda Ro, an Evereni follower, desired to disseminate their teachings on the moon and become the Path's representative in the Convocation, a suggestion made by Padawan Kevmo Zink. While the cult's leader, Elecia Zeveron, was against this idea, Werth Plouth, a former leader, found the prospect of expanding to Jedha intriguing and expressed his support.
The Convocation made plans to host a festival known as the Festival of Balance in Jedha City in 382 BBY, which was anticipated to draw a significant number of tourists. Piralli, a dock worker, discussed the upcoming festival with Keth Cerepath, an adjunct, during a particularly hectic evening at the tapbar called Enlightenment, a place frequented by both of them. Conversely, Kradon Minst, the owner of the bar, believed the festival would be advantageous for his business. In that same year, the Yacombe submitted an application for membership in the council, but they ultimately withdrew their offer after several of the existing representatives tried to assault the Yacombe envoy that had been sent.
After the Path's departure from Dalna, Plouth, accompanied by Yana Ro and Radicaz Dobbs, addressed the Convocation over a month later, demanding the council be disbanded. Following Leebon's death in the Battle of Jedha, it was anticipated that her aide Oliviah Zeveron would take her place. However, due to injuries she sustained during the battle, Zeveron was advised to return to Coruscant to recuperate, and Jedi Vildar Mac assumed her role in the Convocation. Tey Sirrek, a former Guardian of the Whills, was also granted a seat on the council to represent individuals who did not belong to any of the major Force factions.