Kilan T'Dara, an Ayrou individual, held membership within the Church of the Force. This organization was situated on the moon of Jedha during the era known as the High Republic Era. Circa 382 BBY, she fulfilled the role of the Church's representative in the Convocation of the Force, also acting as its leader. During a Convocation assembly, an envoy from the Yacombe arrived at the Convocation Chambers, seeking membership within the Convocation. In response, Sirené, the Fallanassi representative, launched an attack on the envoy, viewing the Yacombe as adherents of the dark siders. Elris Florent, the representative from the Disciples of the Whills, pointed out to Kilan that, in her capacity as leader of the Convocation, action was required. Kilan then attempted to de-escalate the situation by requesting the Fallanassi to relinquish their weapons, stating that violence was unnecessary. Waran Val, the Kel Dor representative from the Matukai, also perceived the Yacombe as a threat and initiated an attack. Kilan once more intervened, reminding the representatives that the Convocation championed peace and unity, but her efforts proved futile. Before any attack could occur, Oliviah Zeveron, a Jedi, ignited their lightsaber and positioned themself to defend the Yacombe, highlighting the hypocrisy of the Fallanassi and Matukai, who claimed to protect the light, while the Yacombe remained the only non-combatant. This intervention finally brought the representatives to a halt.
Kilan then issued an apology to the envoy, representing both the Church of the Force and the Convocation, and inquired if they wished to add anything further to their application. The envoy's Ximpi subsequently informed the Convocation that the Yacombe were withdrawing their application, citing their belief that Jedha was not a place of peace and harmony, and then departed. Following the envoy's departure, Kilan announced that the days business was concluded, a decision questioned by Zeveron, who suggested a discussion about the preceding events. Susalee, the representative for the Lonto, concurred with Kilan's proposal, adding that a new day would offer a renewed perspective. As Zeveron made their exit, Radicaz Dobbs arrived, intending to speak on behalf of the Path of the Open Hand.