Tey Sirrek

Tey Sirrek, a Sephi male thief, existed during the High Republic Era. Previously a Guardian of the Whills, Sirrek turned to vigilantism and theft, aiming to aid others. In 382 BBY, his inquiries revealed a plot involving missing artifacts throughout the Holy City of [Jedha](/article/jedha], a moon. However, this investigation led to his implication in the bombing at the Temple of the Kyber, resulting in his imprisonment by the Guardians. After escaping during a raid on the temple, Sirrek joined forces with Jedi Matthea Cathley and Vildar Mac in the Battle of Jedha, an event ignited by the anti-Jedi Path of the Open Hand cult.

As the battle neared its end, Sirrek and Mac confronted Werth Plouth, the Herald of the Path, along with the Children of the Open Hand, a Path subgroup. They successfully overcame them, despite the subgroup's use of the living weapon known as the Leveler, and Plouth was arrested. This shared experience forged a strong bond between Sirrek and Mac, as they both believed the Path was responsible for the bombing and the missing artifacts. Following the battle, Sirrek was granted a position on the Convocation of the Force, a council of various religious groups, where he acted as an independent representative for those unaffiliated with these groups.

Roughly 150 years later, in 229 BBY, Sirrek reappeared on Kindosorn. His mission was to prevent Baron Boolan, a Nihil scientist, from abducting more Force-sensitive children for experimentation. Keeve Trennis, a Jedi, and her crew arrived, following leads that her former master Sskeer was still alive. Additionally, Jedi Goonral Monshi and OrbaLin were stranded there after the fall of Starlight Beacon. Sirrek revealed himself by defending Monshi, OrbaLin, and Ceret from an attack by a Falanassi Child of the Storm and a Nameless. Meanwhile, Trennis and former Nihil Lourna Dee discovered Sskeer protecting a Force-sensitive Yacombe child. After the child was kidnapped, Sirrek joined the Jedi in a mission to rescue her from Boolan's laboratory.


Early Life as a Guardian

Tey Sirrek trains along with the Guardians of the Whills.

As a Sephi male, Tey Sirrek became a member by enlisting with the Guardians of the Whills. Sirrek was stationed at the Temple of the Kyber as a guard in 387 BBY. While on duty, he observed Flim, a young Cragmoloid, using a small droid, SK-0T, to pickpocket a civilian. Sirrek abandoned his post to pursue Flim, but was unsuccessful and lost the small thief. During a training session with his fellow guardians, Sirrek brought up the name Anst Wozo, which he had overheard from the thieves, to Captain Oklane Viss. Viss initially avoided the question, but later warned Sirrek that Wozo was "bad news."

At a later time, Sirrek caught up to Flim, but was interrupted by Wozo's arrival. Before Sirrek could intervene, Viss summoned him back, and he departed. The following day, SK-0T appeared seeking assistance, and Sirrek immediately pursued the droid. SK-0T led the Sephi to a room containing unconscious children, including Flim. Viss, who had followed Sirrek, confirmed that the children were still alive. Sirrek examined the young Cragmoloid, but discovered that he had not survived. Sirrek confronted Viss about the cause, but the captain refused to answer, stating that it was not their responsibility. Enraged, Sirrek tracked down and attacked Wozo, ultimately killing him.

Later Life as a Thief

He later saw himself as an advocate for the downtrodden and became a skilled thief. In 382 BBY, Sirrek discovered that artifacts had been stolen throughout the Holy City on Jedha, the Pilgrim Moon. He set up a meeting with V'Kara, a Sarravi woman in the Wayfarer Quarter of the Shrine of Sarrav, who possessed information about the thefts, but her information was dismissed by the groups she approached.

Prior to the scheduled meeting, Sirrek visited the Jedha marketplace where Ran Yaltan, claiming to be the last of the Truthsayers of Bpfassh, was performing. A member of the crowd accused Yaltan of being a fraud, but Sirrek intervened to calm the situation, reminding them to be pleasant before the Festival of Balance. When questioned, Sirrek explained that the Convocation of the Force had announced it, but the individual argued that the Convocation had no right to impose their celebration on them. At that moment, Matthea Cathley, a Jedi Padawan, joined the conversation, giving Sirrek the opportunity to steal an item from the annoyed individual. However, Vildar Mac, a Jedi Master accompanying Cathley, noticed Sirrek's theft and pursued him, but Sirrek managed to evade the Jedi.

Confrontation with the Jedi

Tey Sirrek during his time as a thief

Sirrek then went to the Shrine of Sarrav to meet V'Kara, but found her dead on the shrine's floor. Master Mac spotted Serrik in the shrine and recognized him as the thief from earlier, immediately concluding that Sirrek had murdered her and attacked him with his lightsaber. Sirrek easily dodged all of Mac's strikes, bewildering the Jedi. Sirrek claimed that he could do so because he had mastered many Force powers, including Vitali, Cry of the Broken King, and Morichro. Mac argued that Morichro was a myth, but Sirrek placed his hand on Mac's chest and stopped his heart, claiming that he had used the technique. In reality, Sirrek had simply used a pheromone developed by his ancestors that temporarily incapacitated people.

After Mac recovered, the Jedi employed a unique Force ability to track Sirrek to Enlightenment, a bar in the city. Mac saw Sirrek preparing to leave and threw a knife into his cloak, halting his movement. Mac informed Kradon Minst, the bar's owner, that Sirrek was a dark side user who had employed Morichro. However, after Mac described the ability, Minst turned to Sirrek and asked if he should reveal Sirrek's secret to the Jedi or allow him to handle it. After tearing his cloak to escape, Sirrek introduced himself to Mac, claiming to be a righter of wrongs, with Minst adding that he was a Sephi. When Mac accused Sirrek of murder, Sirrek displayed a hologram recording projected by his droid, explaining that he had discovered her dead and was there to meet her about missing artifacts. He also clarified that he had not used any magic against Mac and explained the special pheromone. He then compensated Minst for his trouble and departed, ignoring Padawan Cathley's suggestions to collaborate.

Sirrek then met with Briff, a Condluran, knowing that Briff traded in special items. Sirrek offered Vildar Mac's lightsaber, which he had stolen from the Jedi in Enlightenment, but the Condluran declined. Sirrek then noticed a statue of a starbird made of kyber crystal in one of Briff's crates and picked it up. Briff pointed a blaster at him, but Master Mac jumped down from above and disarmed Briff, who then drew another blaster from their other sleeve and fired at the Jedi. Sirrek jumped in front of the bolt, but was unharmed due to his body armor. After Briff fled in a speeder, Mac realized that Sirrek had saved him, but Sirrek found it ironic considering Mac was meant to be aligned with the Force. Mac also commented that stealing from a Jedi took audacity and that he was almost impressed by Sirrek. Cathley noted that they had lost their only lead, and Sirrek confirmed that he had been trying to identify who was seeking stolen artifacts. He revealed that he knew the origin of the starbird statue, stating that if they thought stealing lightsabers was difficult, this was an entirely different level of challenge.

Upon entering the Temple of the Kyber, Sirrek, Mac, and Cathley were suddenly surrounded by members of the Guardians of the Whills, including Viss. As the guards moved to eject Sirrek from the Temple, he threatened to use his supposed Morchiro technique, but Mac pushed him away with the Force, reprimanding him for his trickery. Sirrek then left the Temple and walked away from Mac and Cathley. Viss revealed to Mac and Cathley that Sirrek was a former Guardian, while Sirrek sulked outside, telling SK-0T that he was never going back and was better off alone. However, he snuck into the temple through a window, hoping to check the logs to discover who had stolen the starbird statue. Cathley and Mac were already there with the Guardians to review the security footage, and Mac sensed Sirrek's presence. Sirrek was holding an explosive when Mac spotted him, which the others assumed he was planting. Mac warned everyone to take cover just as the explosive detonated, injuring him in the blast. Sirrek was taken into custody by the Guardians.

The Jedha Conflict

Despite asserting that he was attempting to deactivate the explosive, Sirrek was confined to a cell within the Temple of the Kyber. During his imprisonment, Werth Plouth, the Herald of the Path of the Open Hand, instigated widespread rioting throughout Jedha City, exacerbated by the presence of the Leveler. As combatants forced their way into the temple, SK-0T managed to infiltrate and free Sirrek. Despite initially wanting to save himself, Sirrek returned to rescue Archivist Oranalli from the raiders. One raider held Sirrek at gunpoint, demanding to know the location of the Rod of Daybreak, which Sirrek did not know. Oklane Viss shot the raider, who escaped using a flash grenade. Viss ordered the Temple to be sealed to prevent anyone from entering or leaving, just before SK-0T informed Sirrek that Vildar Mac was trapped inside the collapsed Path Almshouse. Despite Viss' insistence that the Guardians' sole duty was to protect the Temple, Sirrek convinced him to assist the people of the city.

Sirrek, Viss, and a group of Guardians helped rescue people from the ruins of the almshouse, where Mac was using the Force to prevent it from collapsing on those trapped inside. With the combined efforts of Mac, Sirrek, Matthea Cathley, the Guardians, and even some of the Path members within the ruins, the rubble was lifted, allowing everyone inside to escape. Unable to transport the injured through the crowd to a medcenter, Mac and Sirrek led the group to Enlightenment for a safe haven. Kradon Minst, the owner, was hesitant to let them in, but relented when armed rioters approached, stating that if the Jedi protected Enlightenment, he would allow their friends to take shelter there.

Overwhelmed by the attackers, Mac and Cathley retreated inside as well. Sirrek asked Mac what they were going to do. Mac wanted to remain in the tapbar, but Sirrek and Cathley argued that they should be outside helping people. Just then, the back entrance to Enlightenment was blown open by enforcer droids, launching Tarna Miak, representative of the Sorcerers of Tund, inside. Mac defeated the droids, Minst activated Enlightenment's energy shields, and Sirrek attempted to puzzle out the connection between the riot and the raid on the Temple of the Kyber. Miak's reports of people dying in the riots galvanized Sirrek's determination to leave the tapbar and help, but Mac was still reluctant. Sirrek pushed back, reminding him how powerful he was and that he could do incredible things. Finally, Mac told the group about the Sorcerer of Tund who attacked his village as a child. Cathley concluded that since that incident, he had always tried to follow the rules and play it safe, concerned about what can happen when a powerful force user crosses the line. The interpersonal conflict resolved, Sirrek encouraged them to listen to the force, drawing everyone's attention to Mac's comlink, which was transmitting Oliviah Zeveron's call for help.

As the group decided on a plan of action, Sirrek slipped out of the tapbar by using a hidden tunnel under the establishment. Travelling through the tunnel, he was attacked by a pack of dune scratchers. He managed to knock a few out using his pheromones, and was saved when Mac arrived and used the Force to convince the animals to retreat. While Mac was questioning Sirrek about his plans, the roof collapsed. Sirrek pushed Mac out of the way of the debris. Separated from the others, the pair continued through the tunnel and reached the exit in the desert next to the Final Protector. They found the injured Zeveron and Mac instructed Sirrek to use his pheromones to stabilize the Jedi but the Sephi warned that slowing her metabolism could kill her. Once she was unconscious, he ordered Skoot to protect her. He and Mac entered the vault under the statue. As they went deeper, Mac was overcome by the effect of the Nameless, despite Sirrek's attempts to assist him. Sirrek observed Plouth join the Rod of Daybreak with the Rod of Seasons and use it to command the Great Leveler to attack Leebon.

Sirrek tried to get more information from Mac, but the Jedi was incoherent due to the Leveler's effect. The Path members realized they were being observed and went to attack Sirrek. He was unable to get his weapon to work due to it being damaged in the dune scratcher attack so he resorted to melee combat. He was knocked around by Shea Ganandra and Barkov. While lying on the floor, he discovered the Hand of Siberus and put it on. His use of the dark side artifact caused Mac to temporarily overcome the Nameless effect and warn Sirrek not to use it. The Jedi was attacked by the Leveler and Sirrek unleashed a blast of Force lightning at the creature. Sirrek was then shot by Yana Ro.

Sirrek dons the Hand of Siberus

The Sephi regained consciousness and saw that Mac had donned the gauntlet and was using it to fight Plouth. Before he could intervene, he was attacked by Ganandra. During the scuffle, Yana Ro attacked using the Rod of Power. Sirrek was able to parry the blow and take the Rod of Seasons from her but was pinned to the ground by the Leveler. He was freed when Ganandra and Ro fled with the Nameless to help out Marda Ro. Sirrek confronted Mac, who had used the power of the Hand of Siberus to defeat Plouth. Sirrek was able to convince Mac to remove the dark side relic and spare the Herald's life. They returned to Jedha City where Sirrek explained that the Path of the Open Hand were behind the troubles in the city. During the aftermath of the riots, Sirrek assisted in the cleanup of the city. While conversing with Mac and Cathley, he was offered a position on the Convocation of the Force which he gratefully accepted.

Sirrek uses the stolen Hand of Siberus to subdue Zervo

A year later, Tey was present at a meeting of the Convocation. He informed the council that an unaffiliated Force user was terrorizing the Wayfarer Quarter. He insisted the Convocation should do something and was told that Sirené would investigate. Tey suggested that he be assigned to the task since he had more experience of being on the streets. He was overruled by Waran Val who stated Sirrek's tenuous grasp of the Force would make him vulnerable. Vildar Mac agreed with the decision, which angered Sirrek. He went to the Temple of the Kyber and stole the Hand of Siberus. Wearing the gauntlet, he confronted Zervo and used the dark side powers to defeat him. Mac arrived and forced the Sephi to remove the gauntlet. Sirrek returned to their quarters while Mac and the rest of the Convocation discussed the situation. After the meeting, Mac returned and Sirrek tried to explain why he stole the gauntlet and how he had almost succumbed to the dark side. Mac embraced his partner, telling him that he would be there to help Sirrek.

Events After Jedha

Around 228 BBY, Sirrek was present on Kindosorn where he saved Goonral Monshi from a Nameless attack. He was confronted by Terec and Ceret who recognized the ancient Sith artifact. He told them it was just a tool that he had mastered but agreed to remove the gauntlet as a gesture of good faith. While doing so, the Jedi noticed a lightsaber hanging on his belt and attempted to take it via telekinesis. Sirrek refused to relinquish it and explained his backstory. He then put Monshi to sleep using his pheromones to take the stress off the Jedi's heart. He explained that a Fallanassi Child of the Storm named H'Tar was hunting Jedi for Boolan and he was determined to stop them.

Sskeer, Keeve Trennis, and Lourna Dee arrived with a Yacombe child who became afraid of the Nameless corpse and lashed out with the Force. Ceret drew their lightsaber to subdue the child and Sirrek tried to convince them not to attack. After the group calmed down, they noticed that Monshi had died. Sirrek consoled OrbaLin for the lose of his friend and then buried the corpse of the Nameless. While Sskeer and the child watched Monshi's funeral pyre, Sirrek introduced himself and applied the Balm of the Luminous to the Jedi to help him in dealing with his Magrak Syndrome and his guilt over Monshi's death. As the group rested for the night, H'Tar infiltrated the camp and kidnapped the child. Sirrek started to use the Hand of Siberus to stop the Nihil, but was interrupted by Dee who later revealed she had placed a tracer on the child.

Sirreck and H'Tar fight on Shingcu Station

Following the signal to Shingcu Station, Sirrek infiltrated the station with Dee and Sskeer as they would be less susceptible to the effects of the Nameless on-board. He reported back to the Ataraxia when he found large tubes containing dissected Nameless. He ordered SK-0T to hack into the security system so they could use the cameras to locate the missing child. Sirrek saw her being experimented on by Boolan and he was able to prevent Sskeer from rushing to rescue the girl and giving their presence away. However, Dee realized the dissected Nameless were still alive and shot one, setting off alarms. Knowing that stealth was useless now, Sirrek joined the other two in rushing to the laboratory. The group was intercepted by H'Tar and Rrkak. The Sephi engaged in combat with H'Tar, using the Hand of Siberus.

He and Sskeer were captured when bombs placed by Dee detonated. Reek brought the captives to Boolan in hopes they would placate him for the loss of the Yacombe child. Sirrek was insulted when Boolan referred to him as dried-out with little to no connection to the Force. Intrigued by Sirrek's gauntlet, Boolan put it on and used it on the Sephi. After more of Dee's bombs went off, the Nihil fled the station and Sirrek was assisted by Trennis back to the Ataraxia.

The group followed a signal to a facility hidden in an asteroid. Sirrek joined the Jedi as they looked for Sskeer. The young Yacombe child climbed on his shoulders as he and Ceret searched the facility. They discovered Dee and Terec, who had snuck about Dalnan Dawn when it fled from the destruction of Shingcu Station. They met up with Trennis and Sskeer after the pair of Jedi captured Boolan.

Events on Dalna

Sirrek and his companions responded to a distress call on Dalna. They were attacked by Drayos who saw Lourna Dee in the group and assumed that they were all Nihil. Sirrek used the Hand of Siberus to defend himself, but it was ripped off his hand by vines and destroyed. He was overwhelmed and encased by the plants. He was released when Ty Yorrick managed to calm the plant-mage Vila down.


Tey Sirrek was equipped with a spherical flying droid, SK-0T (nicknamed "Scoot"), capable of recording its surroundings and replaying them as a hologram. He also wielded the Sith artifact known as the Hand of Siberus as a weapon, until its eventual destruction.

Behind the scenes

Tey Sirrek debuted in the first issue of the 2022 run of Star Wars: The High Republic.

Tey Sirrek's initial appearance occurred within the inaugural first issue of the Star Wars: The High Republic comic series (2022), a component of Phase II of the Star Wars: The High Republic expansive multimedia initiative. Cavan Scott penned the issue, which Marvel Comics released on October 12, 2022. Prior to this, on May 26 of the same year at Celebration Anaheim, Scott alluded to the character as part of the forthcoming comic book series. His name was first revealed in a StarWars.com article published on September 22, 2022.

The subsequent year at Celebration Europe, Scott shared his reflections on the comic issues then in progress, which featured Sirrek and Mac. The writer conveyed that the latter portion of the series would portray the deepening bond between the two characters as they faced challenges on Jedha. In an interview, he verified that their relationship would evolve their bromance, incorporating elements of romance. Subsequent issues released after Scott's interview substantiated this, reaching its peak with a kiss shared by both in The High Republic (2023) 6.

