Feric Oranalli

Feric Oranalli, a Dressellian male of corrupt character, held a position at the Temple of the Kyber situated in the Holy City on the moon of Jedha. He served as both an archivist and an assistant to the archivist Zumeg, both being members of the Disciples of the Whills.


"Caring" about criminals

In the year 382 BBY, Feric Oranalli engaged in clandestine activities with the Path of the Open Hand. His involvement consisted of aiding the group in the theft of sacred relics from various locations within Jedha City. In exchange for his assistance, he received a payment that Werth Plouth, a Path herald, later described as a "handsome" sum. Following the theft of the Firebird of Colsassa from the temple, Vildar Mac and Matthea Cathley, both Jedi, informed Oranalli and Zumeg about the incident. Subsequently, the two archivists escorted the Jedi and Captain Oklane Viss of the Guardians of the Whills to the sculpture's designated location within the temple. Before their arrival, Zumeg expressed gratitude to the Jedi for reporting the robberies, while simultaneously dismissing the possibility of a theft occurring within the temple due to the presence of the Guardians. In response to Cathley's statement that Tey Sirrek, a former Guardian, had identified the temple as the source of the theft, Oranalli interjected, asserting that Sirrek was prone to making various claims. Zumeg attempted to pacify Oranalli, but the archivist persisted in labeling Sirrek as a menace. Zumeg then suggested that the truth of the matter would be easily determined regardless.

Upon reaching the Firebird's designated location, Zumeg expressed shock at its absence, while Oranalli immediately attributed the theft to Sirrek. Mac countered by stating that, despite his dislike for Sirrek, it seemed improbable that he was responsible for the theft. Oranalli retorted that nothing about Sirrek, whom he referred to as a hoodlum, made sense. The two Jedi then elaborated on why it was unlikely that Sirrek had carried out the theft. Subsequently, Oranalli and Zumeg led the Jedi to inspect the security cameras logs. Mac inquired whether the cameras would have captured any unauthorized individuals entering the temple, to which Zumeg affirmed that they would, provided Oranalli located the correct file. However, an explosion then occurred, resulting in Zumeg's death, although Oranalli survived due to Mac's intervention.

Crime doesn't pay

Feric Oranalli on Jedha

Shortly thereafter, Plouth incited a riot within the Holy City, leading to the commencement of the Battle of Jedha. During the conflict, Plouth and the Children launched a raid on the Temple of the Kyber with the intention of locating the Rod of Daybreak. Ultimately, however, the rod was discovered within a Jedi vault concealed within a Jedi statue situated in the desert outside the city. Upon reaching the vault, Plouth and the Children discovered it, as Oranalli had previously informed them. However, before they could depart, they were confronted by Mac and Sirrek, resulting in the imprisonment of the Herald within the Temple of the Kyber. The rod was entrusted to Oranalli, who was tasked with safeguarding it within the temple.

Subsequently, Oranalli was promoted to the position of chief archivist. Shortly thereafter, Yana Ro, a member of the Path, persuaded Oranalli to escort her to Plouth within the temple, enabling her to communicate with him. Following their arrival at the Herald's cell and their conversation with Plouth, Oranalli was killed by the Herald, and the two Path members escaped from the temple.

