Zervo existed in the High Republic Era as a Force-sensitive Naldi Freewielder with the capability to control fire. In the time frame of less than a year following the Battle of Jedha that took place in 382 BBY, Zervo could be found on the moon Jedha, specifically in the Wayfarer Quarter of Jedha City. There, he was setting both homes and businesses ablaze, instilling terror throughout the streets while acting on behalf of the Namoi syndicate. As Zervo was using intimidation tactics against the business owner Mikilanie to ensure the syndicate received payment, he was confronted by Sirené, a Fallanassi member of the Convocation of the Force. Despite Zervo, the Naldi, initially overpowering Sirené through the use of fire, Tey Sirrek, a former thief, employed the Hand of Siberus, a Sith artifact, to render Zervo incapacitated. Eventually, Vildar Mac, a Jedi Master, successfully persuaded Sirrek to cease his actions and remove the gauntlet, which left Zervo in an unconscious state, yet still alive.
Living during the era of the High Republic, Zervo was a Force-sensitive Naldi Freewielder. He was present in Jedha City on the moon of Jedha less than a year after the Battle of Jedha, which occurred in 382 BBY. While there, he was employed by the Namoi syndicate and terrorized the city's Wayfarer Quarter by lighting homes and businesses on fire. Zervo used intimidation against Mikilanie, an Em'liy business owner who sold sacred icons, informing him that Namoi Kann claimed he hadn't paid the syndicate. Mikilanie countered that his business wasn't connected to the syndicate and that his ancestors had been selling the icons for generations. In response, Zervo threatened to set his family history ablaze. Mikilanie refused to pay, leading Zervo to ignite a flame and use the Force to burn Mikilanie's merchandise before surrounding the business owner with fire and demanding payment once more.
Sirené, a Fallanassi member of Jedha's Convocation of the Force council, disrupted Zervo; accompanied by illusionary duplicates, the Fallanassi commanded him to extinguish the flame. Zervo voiced criticism of the Convocation before intensifying the flames around Mikilanie with a snap of his fingers, burning the Em'liy. When Sirené revealed her true self in her distress, Zervo launched a fireball in her direction, forcing her to jump out of the way. Accusing Zervo of murder, Sirené fought back the flames, and the Naldi expressed his belief in power as his fire began to scorch the Fallanassi. However, at that moment, Zervo was struck by energy from the Sith artifact known as the Hand of Siberus, which was being wielded by Tey Sirrek, a Sephi Convocation member and former thief.

Despite Sirené's shock at Sirrek's use of the gauntlet, the Sephi continued to wield the Hand of Siberus, forcing Zervo and his fire back before striking him in the chest. As energy from the gauntlet coursed over Zervo's body and the Naldi yelled in agony, the Jedi Master Vildar Mac intervened, ordering Sirrek to remove the Hand of Siberus. Zervo was left unconscious, but Sirené determined that he—as well as Mikilanie—would live. Many years later in 229 BBY, Sirrek recounted the events involving Zervo to the Jedi Knights Terec and Ceret on the planet Kindosorn when they questioned his possession of the gauntlet.

Zervo, not affiliated with any group, held the belief that the Force was accessible to anyone with the strength to mold it to their desires. He showed little regard for the Convocation or its members, whom he perceived as an exclusive group squandering their power, keeping the Force to themselves, and being unable to see other ways. Zervo regarded his control over fire as a superior and unrestricted ability, beyond the Convocation's means of control.
While on Jedha, Zervo was willing to work for the Namoi syndicate, using intimidation against the residents of Jedha City. He showed no sympathy for Mikilanie's objections, burning his merchandise despite its historical connection to the Em'liy family. Zervo possessed feline characteristics, including long [blue](/article/color] hair, orange fur, and yellow eyes. A scar marked his right eye.
Zervo made an appearance in flashbacks within the sixth issue of the 2023 Star Wars: The High Republic comic series. The series was authored by Cavan Scott, with illustrations by Laura Braga and Jim Towe, and was published by Marvel Comics on April 10, 2024.