
Jabiim, a terrestrial world, could be found in the Outer Rim Territories and also within the Slice. It was located at galactic coordinates S-7 on the Standard Galactic Grid, and was linked to both Sy Myrth and Taskeed through established hyperspace routes. One of Jabiim's primary exports was ore.


By the time of the Imperial Era, the galaxy had largely forgotten about the planet Jabiim. It was primarily recognized for its mining activities and as a transit point, often undesirable, leading to its use as a waste disposal and sanitation center. This reputation led the Hidden Path, a clandestine network aiding Force-sensitives in escaping Imperial persecution, to establish a safehouse on Jabiim, serving as the second-to-last stop on "the Path," where Jedi and other Force-sensitives received new identities.

The Imperial Army attacks the Path compound on Jabiim.

In 9 BBY, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Tala Durith, and the young Princess Leia Organa joined the other members of the Path, seeking to ensure Leia's safety. However, L0-LA59, Leia's droid companion, unknowingly carried a tracking device installed by the Third Sister, which enabled her and Darth Vader to track them to the planet. During the attack, the Path members, including Kenobi and Organa, successfully evaded Vader's assault. The Third Sister subsequently attempted to murder Vader, seeking retribution for his involvement in the Great Jedi Purge. However, Vader humiliated the former Youngling, leaving her to die and revealing that the Grand Inquisitor, whom she believed she had killed, was still alive.

During the time of the First Order-Resistance War, the First Order gained control of Jabiim and began trafficking Wookiee slaves from Kashyyyk to mine ore there. When Chewbacca, a Resistance operative, was captured during the blockade of Kashyyyk, a stormtrooper commander serving the First Order intended to dispatch him to Jabiim along with other slaves. However, with the help of a porg named Terbus, Chewbacca successfully liberated the Wookiee prisoners and escaped enslavement.

Behind the scenes

Jabiim, as it appears in Star Wars: Empire at War: Forces of Corruption

Jabiim's initial appearance in the new Star Wars canon was on a map featured in the Star Wars: The Force Awakens Beginner Game, which Fantasy Flight Games released in 2016. Within the Star Wars Legends continuity, Jabiim was first introduced in Republic 55, a comic written by W. Haden Blackman, with art by Brian Ching, and published by Dark Horse Comics on July 2, 2003. Its live-action debut was in "Part IV" of the Obi-Wan Kenobi television program.

