The Battle of Jabiim, Part 1, alternatively known as The Rainmaker, represents the fifty-fifth installment of the Star Wars: Republic comic book series. This issue, along with its sequel Part 2, underwent a collective renaming to Blood and Rain when included in the Star Wars: Clone Wars Volume 3: Last Stand on Jabiim collection. Dark Horse Comics released it on July 2, 2003.
Kenobi, a General, and his First Lieutenant, Anakin Skywalker, are reassigned to a position situated on the rain-drenched world of Jabiim. Intense combat characterizes the situation, with a significant portion of the indigenous population aligning themselves with the Separatist cause, thereby rendering the Republic's established bases isolated and susceptible. Amidst escalating losses and diminishing provisions, Obi-Wan spearheads what he anticipates will be a devastating offensive against the opposition. Nevertheless, the prevailing conditions present formidable challenges for the Jedi and his clone troopers. The relentless downpour persists unabated, their military vehicles become mired in the muddy terrain, and aerial assistance remains unavailable. It is possible that this assignment could mark the ultimate undertaking for Obi-Wan.