Here are some possible meanings of the term Rock:
Referencing Individuals:
- The alias of a resistance fighter from Cilpar, designated Rebel Rock.
- A powerful magic user from Endor, known as the Rock Wizard.
- An art collector residing on Narigus III, named Rock'co.
- A Nosaurian general by the name of Rootrock who participated in the Clone Wars.
Denoting a Species:
- The Zandor Rocker species, which can be located on Endor.
Referring to Creatures:
Large reptilian creatures native to Dathomir, known as Dathomiri rock dragon.
An unusual creature named in honor of Rivoc Fenner, the xenobiologist, called Fenner's rock.
A grazing animal from Pellastrallas called Ixzinian rock ram.
Insects from Tatooine referred to as Rock beetle.
An edible aquatic animal, the Rock crab.
Insects also native to Tatooine, known as Rock hornet.
Creatures from Zaloriis called Zalorian rock-lion.
A type of lizard from Yavin 4 known as Rock lizard.
Jacen Solo's pet Rock lizard.
A type of mouse that lives in rocky areas, called Rock mouse.
An insect-eating animal from Coruscant known as Rock shrew.
Gastropods from Mytus VII known as Rock sucker.
Rock tabbit, creatures that are easily startled.
Desert reptiles from Ord Cestus called Rock viper.
A type of vulture from Utapau known as Rock-vulture.
A poisonous insect from Tatooine called Rock wart.
The poison found in a rock wart, called Rock wart sting juice.
The poison of the Rock wart, referred to as Rock wart sting juice.
A riding animal from Roon known as Rockhopper.
An insect native to Tatooine called Rockmite.
A large creature from Sullust known as Sullustan rockrender.
Referring to Locations:
A rock formation on Tatooine known as Bantha Rock.
One of the Vessar Asteroids inhabited by Buula Nen, the Chevin crime lord, referred to as Buula's Rocky Home.
A rock formation on Kashyyyk called Council Rock.
A tourist destination on Ryloth called Floating Rock Gardens of Ryloth.
A settlement on Ord Mantell known as Great Rock.
A rock formation on Tatooine called Plibene Rock.
The Battle of Red Rock, which occurred at Red Rock in 1 ABY.
The Battle of Red Rock, a conflict that happened at Red Rock in 1 ABY.
An asteroid base used by the Rebel Alliance called Shattered Rock.
Referencing Ships:
- A shuttle belonging to Tenel Ka Djo named Rock Dragon.
- A Miid ro'ik cruiser used by the Yuuzhan Vong in the Yuuzhan Vong War named Rock-One.
- A spacecraft owned by Gideon Smith called Rockcan.
Referring to Organizations:
A council of Wookiee elders that gathered at Council Rock, known as the Rock Council.
A starfighter squadron that participated in the Second Battle of Xa Fel called Rock Squadron.
The callsign of the leader of the squadron, Rock Leader.
The designation Rock Leader, used for the leader of the squadron.
A faction of The Workers on New Apsolon called Rock Workers.
Referring to Devices:
- A rock that could be used for cooking food naturally, known as Fry-rock.
Referring to Minerals:
Referring to Food:
- Fruit consumed by Eloms called Rockmelons.
Referring to Media:
- A type of music favored by Gamorreans called Baka rock.
- A jizz song performed by the Max Rebo Band called Jedi Rocks.
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