A loader droid of masculine programming, known as NED-B, functioned on the planet of Mapuzo during the time of the Imperial Era. This droid collaborated with Tala Durith within the clandestine organization called the Hidden Path, assisting in smuggling Jedi survivors to a place of safety. He was the guardian of a concealed safehouse situated inside the droid repair facility within a mining village.


NED-B on Mapuzo

In 9 BBY, NED-B offered assistance to the fleeing Obi-Wan Kenobi along with Leia Organa. When stormtroopers conducted a search of the safehouse, NED-B cautiously picked up a hammer, ready to engage in combat if the situation required it. Even though a stormtrooper questioned him, the troopers soon departed. Later on, he aided Durith in rescuing Kenobi from the Sith Lord Darth Vader.

He made his escape to Jabiim alongside the Hidden Path, where he ultimately sacrificed his own life in a battle against stormtroopers, providing crucial time for the Path's other members to flee. His last action involved shielding Durith from the approaching stormtroopers, before his death in her arms.


NED-B wields an E-5 blaster rifle in battle.

Despite lacking the ability to speak, NED-B was still a highly competent droid. Although his official designation was NED-B, the inscription in Aurebesh on his chest displayed "NED-W," while "NED 1" was imprinted on his rear side.

Behind the scenes

Deborah Chow, Ewan McGregor, and NED-B in the Path's hideout on Mapuzo

The first visual representation of NED-B was in the teaser trailer for the Obi-Wan Kenobi TV show, which was made public on March 9, 2022. His initial appearance occurred in the third episode of the series, which was broadcast on June 1, 2022.

The sounds attributed to NED-B's movements were derived from a bread-making machine. Deborah Chow, the director, instructed Jon Borland, the sound designer and editor, to ensure that the sounds conveyed a sense of sadness during NED-B's death scene in the show.

