March 9th marks the 68th day of the year in a standard year, and the 69th day in a leap year. There are 297 days left in the year after this day.
- In 1967, Neil Kaplan was born.
- Oscar Isaac's birth occurred in 1979.
- National Public Radio broadcasted Star Wars: "Points of Origin" in 1981.
- The release of Return of the Jedi Weekly 90 took place in 1985.
- 1998 saw the publication of Rebel Dawn.
- In 1998, Galaxy of Fear: Spore was released to the public.
- The Great LucasCruft Purge commenced on Wikipedia in 2005.
- published The Clone Wars: Curfew webcomic in 2009.
- Fate of the Jedi: Backlash saw its publication in 2010.
- released Point Blank in 2010.
- The publication of Star Wars Omnibus: At War with the Empire Volume 1 happened in 2011.
- Cartoon Network aired "Brothers" in 2012.
- Star Wars: Age of Resistance – The Official Collector's Edition was published in 2021.
- The release of Han Solo & Chewbacca 1 was in 2022.
- Crimson Reign 3 was published in 2022.
- John Korty passed away in 2022.