Rebel Dawn

Rebel Dawn, authored by A. C. Crispin, is the third installment of The Han Solo Trilogy, concluding the narrative within the Rise of the Empire era.

During interludes in this book, the three stories that comprise The Han Solo Adventures take place, spanning nearly three years.




Publisher's summary

The description from the publisher notes: The Millennium Falcon is known as "the fastest hunk of junk in the galaxy." Following Han Solo's victory in a sabacc game, securing the ship, he and Chewbacca ascend as dominant smugglers, evading capture and proving unstoppable. However, with the Empire's increasing control, Han acknowledges his good fortune is finite. Yet, when Bria Tharen, an ex-lover now heading a Rebel group, presents a chance at a substantial reward, Han cannot resist. The scheme appears foolproof, promising minimal resistance and a vast payout, shared equally between Han's crew and the Rebels. Unfortunately for Han, the planet Ylesia proves to be a formidable challenge, the Rebels harbor their own intentions, and smuggler allies can swiftly morph into adversaries, even at lightspeed.

Plot summary

In a high-stakes sabacc game on Bespin, Han Solo triumphs over Lando Calrissian, winning the Millennium Falcon. He then starts modifying the freighter to become a specialized smuggling vessel, and also makes a short visit with Chewbacca to the Wookiee planet of Kashyyyk, where Chewbacca weds Mallatobuck. Subsequently, Solo and Chewbacca embark on various adventures.

Upon his return to Nar Shaddaa, Solo encounters Bria Tharen, his former lover, who is now an operative for the Rebel Alliance. Despite his reluctance, he agrees to assist her in a planned assault on the slaving colonies of Ylesia, enticed by the promise of compensation. Solo, Calrissian, and Chewbacca undertake the assignment. After the battle, Tharen's forces betray Calrissian and Solo's allies, seizing their assets in the name of the Rebel Alliance. Enraged, Han vows to kill Tharen if they ever cross paths again. Lando, disgraced and labeled a traitor on Nar Shaddaa, refuses to believe Solo's innocence and punches him.

In need of funds, Solo and Chewbacca agree to transport spice for Jabba (inheritor of his aunt's criminal empire) via the Kessel Run. An Imperial patrol intercepts them during the Run, forcing them to jettison their cargo into space before the Falcon is searched and escorted to a nearby planet. Upon returning to retrieve their cargo, they find it missing. When the smuggler attempts to explain what happened to his employer, Jabba—in a drug-induced stupor—turns his back on Solo, demanding recompense for the lost spice.

Concurrently, Bria spearheads a rebel incursion on Toprawa, during which rebel spies successfully transmit the Death Star I schematics to Leia Organa aboard the Tantive IV. Tharen and her entire squad perish in the raid, but the plans are successfully transmitted. This event marks the Rebels' "first victory".

On Tatooine, Han Solo's attempts to arrange a private meeting with Jabba fail, and he faces increasing harassment from bounty hunters in the crime lord's employ. While seeking a card game to win the money needed to repay Jabba, he briefly meets Dash Rendar.

Solo's activities are interrupted by the news of his former lover's demise, delivered by Boba Fett, who also warns Solo that Greedo is looking for him and may attempt to kill him. The next day, he records a message for Tharen's father, conveying the tragic news.

Subsequently, the smuggler heads to Chalmun's Cantina in Mos Eisley, where Chewbacca encounters former Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, to discuss hiring the Falcon for transport to Alderaan. Solo then connects with Kenobi and young Luke Skywalker, setting the stage for the events of Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope.
