Part III

"Part III," which debuted on June 1, 2022, is the third installment of the television series Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Plot summary

Arrival on Mapuzo

Darth Vader is seen on Mustafar, emerging from his bacta tank as machines assemble his iconic suit. In his throne room, the Third Sister informs the Dark Lord that Obi-Wan Kenobi lives and that the Grand Inquisitor is apparently dead. Disregarding the Grand Inquisitor's death, Vader commands the Third Sister to demonstrate her worthiness, promising her the position of Grand Inquisitor, and threatening dire consequences for failure.

Obi-Wan is shown meditating within the cargo hold of the transport he and Princess Leia Organa used to flee Daiyu, silently contemplating the revelation that his former student Anakin Skywalker is still among the living. The cargo shuttle soon lands on the planet Mapuzo, currently under the control of the Galactic Empire. Obi-Wan instructs Leia to act as his daughter, telling others they are farmers from Tawl, and to use a false name and let him handle the talking. The pair begins their journey towards the meeting point arranged by Haja Estree. During their walk, Obi-Wan explains to Leia that Mapuzo was once a vibrant world, now a desolate landscape due to the Empire's mining operations. Obi-Wan then experiences a brief vision of a cloaked figure resembling Anakin Skywalker. He quickly recovers from the vision, and they continue onward.

Evading the Empire

The Third Sister arrives at Fortress Inquisitorius located on Nur to notify the other Inquisitors about her mission and her new role leading the hunt for Obi-Wan Kenobi. She orders the deployment of probe droids to locate Obi-Wan, and the other inquisitors reluctantly acknowledge her temporary authority.

On Mapuzo, the two eventually arrive at the rendezvous location, only to find Haja's contact absent. Leia flags down a passing vehicle, persuading the driver, a Condluran named Freck, to take them to the closest spaceport. Freck agrees, and the two humans board the back of his vehicle, with Obi-wan noticing an Imperial banner on Freck's truck. During the ride, Freck expresses his strong support for the Empire, which "Luma" and "Orden" feign agreement with to avoid raising suspicion. Soon after, Freck stops to offer a ride to a group of travelling stormtroopers. The stormtroopers ask Obi-Wan if he works as a miner, which he denies, claiming to be a farmer. Leia tells the troopers that they came to Mapuzo because it was her mother's homeworld; Obi-Wan tries to corroborate, but accidentally calls Leia by her real name, drawing the troopers' attention. Obi-Wan quickly recovers, claiming that "Luma" reminds him of his deceased wife, "Leia." Seemingly satisfied, the troopers instruct "Orden" to report anything suspicious and leave. Leia questions Obi-Wan about her "real" mother, and even asks if he is her "real" (i.e. birth) father, which he denies. Leia tells Obi-Wan that she often wonders about her birth family's appearance, with which Obi-Wan sympathizes. Obi-Wan reveals that he has faint memories of his parents and a baby he believed was his brother, but that the Jedi Order became his new family.

Shortly after, Freck stops his vehicle at an Imperial checkpoint, informing the stationed troopers that they might want to question "Orden." A stormtrooper summons a viper probe droid and orders "Orden" to exit the vehicle, which he reluctantly does. As the probe begins scanning Obi-Wan's face, he draws his blaster and destroys the droid. He quickly deals with Freck and the stormtroopers, disabling the checkpoint and allowing Leia and him to pass through. A trio of stormtroopers and an Imperial officer arrive in response to the gunfire. Unbeknownst to the troopers, the officer, Tala Durith, is actually Haja's contact. Tala eliminates the troopers with a blaster before aiding Obi-Wan and Leia in escaping the area.

Escape from Mapuzo

Tala leads Obi-Wan and Leia to a nearby settlement, stating that they need to remain hidden for a few hours until one of her pilots can transport them off-world. They take refuge in Tala's workshop, where she reveals her secret work in assisting Jedi and other Force-sensitives, including a past collaboration with Quinlan Vos. Tala also shares that she once believed in the Empire, but became disillusioned as the regime grew increasingly totalitarian. As night falls, the trio sets out for the spaceport, but Obi-Wan senses a disturbance in the Force and stumbles against a wall. Outside the building, Darth Vader, three inquisitors, and a contingent of stormtroopers have arrived. Vader walks through the settlement's streets, terrorizing civilians and killing them at random in an attempt to lure Kenobi out. Obi-Wan instructs Tala to get Leia to Alderaan while he distracts Vader. As Tala and Leia make their way to the spaceport, Obi-Wan escapes into a nearby quarry, pursued by Vader.


Obi-Wan is making his way through the quarry when he is surprised by Vader's sudden appearance, who ignites his lightsaber. Obi-Wan draws his lightsaber but hesitates to ignite it, and immediately flees. Vader continues his pursuit of Obi-Wan, who eventually decides to stand his ground. Upon seeing Vader again, Obi-Wan questions what he has become, to which Vader responds that he is the result of Obi-Wan's actions. Reluctant to engage in combat, Obi-Wan runs away once more.

Meanwhile, Leia convinces Tala to return and assist Obi-Wan, assuring her that she can reach the ship on her own. Tala reluctantly agrees and heads back to find Obi-Wan.

Darth Vader stands before the fire as he allows Obi-Wan Kenobi to escape.

Obi-Wan continues to navigate the quarry, now being hunted by Vader. Suddenly, Vader emerges from the darkness, swinging his lightsaber at Obi-Wan, who deflects the blow with his own. A brief but intense duel ensues, with Vader quickly overwhelming Obi-Wan and forcing him back. After knocking down a storage container filled with flammable rocks, Vader uses the Force to seize Obi-Wan. Igniting the flammable rocks with his lightsaber, Vader forces Kenobi into the flames, declaring that his pain has only just begun. Momentarily satisfied, Vader orders his stormtroopers to capture Obi-Wan. Tala returns and reignites the rock with blaster bolt, cutting Obi-Wan off from Vader and his troops. NED-B quickly arrives to rescue Kenobi, who has suffered severe burns, and the three escape.

As Leia heads towards the ship, she encounters the Third Sister, who arrived earlier and killed the pilot. The inquisitor attempts to gain Leia's trust, but Leia, sensing danger, turns and flees.

Continuity revealed the names of several individuals written on the Mapuzo safehouse walls that were not visible in the final episode. These names include Fable Astin, Zonder, Rahm Kota, Nichos Marr, Qu Rahn, and Tiberus's last name, Anderlock.


