Rahm Kota

Rahm Kota's identity was etched onto a secure location's wall on the planet Mapuzo. This particular safehouse was part of a larger system utilized by the Hidden Path to discreetly transport Jedi and other individuals sensitive to the Force away from the control of the Galactic Empire. These individuals were being moved to the world of Jabiim, where they would receive new identities, allowing them to live in secrecy. Obi-Wan Kenobi, a Jedi Master, noticed Kota's name, among others, on the safehouse wall when he and Leia Organa were secretly brought there by Tala Durith.

Behind the scenes

Rahm Kota in the Star Wars Legends continuity

Within the present-day Star Wars canon, Rahm Kota was mentioned in the trivia section of the episode guide associated with the third episode of the Obi-Wan Kenobi television program, which was broadcast on June 1, 2022. The guide clarified that Kota's name was one of several references to characters originating from the Star Wars Legends continuity, all of which were inscribed on the wall of the safe house created for the episode. In Legends continuity, Rahm Kota initially appeared in the Star Wars: The Force Unleashed novelization.

