
Freck, a pleasant Condluran, was employed by the Galactic Empire as a transport operator on Mapuzo, his homeworld, a planet dedicated to mining operations. Being a supporter of the Empire, he developed a friendly relationship with the local stormtroopers. In the year 9 BBY, this driver encountered Obi-Wan Kenobi, a Jedi, and Leia Organa, a youngling, who were using false identities as they sought a spaceport. The alien offered them passage in his FMR-385 cargo speeder, driving them in the direction of a port while engaging in conversation and also transporting some stormtroopers.

The transport eventually arrived at an inspection point, where Freck suggested to the on-duty stormtroopers that they inspect his passengers. After the troopers scanned Kenobi, the Jedi attacked the soldiers, using Freck as a human shield to shoot one of them. The Jedi then subdued the Condluran, allowing himself and Organa to escape.


New passengers

During the reign of the Galactic Empire, Freck, a Condluran, served as an Imperial transport driver on his native Mapuzo, a planet in the Mid Rim Territories that had been transformed into a mining wasteland due to the Empire's activities. Notably, he frequently transported passengers such as stormtroopers, with whom he cultivated a pleasant rapport. In 9 BBY, while piloting his repulsorcraft truck toward a nearby spaceport following a typical transport run from a quarry, he came across two civilians, the younger of whom signaled for his vehicle to stop. These individuals were the fugitive Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi and ten-year-old Alderaanian Princess Leia Organa, who Kenobi had rescued following her kidnapping.

Freck at the controls of his transport.

Freck halted for Kenobi and Organa, with the latter introducing themselves as Orden and Luma, farmers from Tawl, and claiming that she and her "father" had become lost during a trip. Though the Condluran found their story peculiar, when Kenobi inquired about the location of the nearest spaceport, Freck offered them a ride, explaining that he was heading in that direction. The elder "farmer" hesitated, but Organa accepted Freck's offer and expressed her gratitude. The driver assured them that they would arrive at the port quickly as they boarded. During the drive, Freck reminded his two passengers to remember that they were from Tawl. He praised the people of Tawl for their obedience to the Empire. Organa then declared her and Kenobi's fondness for the Empire, with the alien concurring and stating that order was a good thing.

Freck's transport encountered a group of stormtroopers whose own transport was delayed, leading the Condluran to offer them a ride to their base. The driver introduced the troopers to "Orden" and "Luma," and inquired about the soldiers' origins. One stormtrooper explained that they were being relocated to search for a Jedi. The Condluran expressed his hope that they were not in danger, but another trooper expressed confidence in their ability to apprehend the fugitive, unaware that the Jedi was present in the transport with them. The vehicle continued its journey, with one stormtrooper questioning Kenobi and Organa in the meantime. Upon reaching the troopers' base, one of them requested that Freck stop, and they thanked him as they disembarked.

A very standard inspection

Freck speaks to the stormtrooper at the Imperial checkpoint.

As Freck's transport neared an Imperial inspection point, a visibly anxious Kenobi requested to be let off beforehand. Freck reassured his passengers that it was merely a standard inspection and halted at the laser-gate guarded by stormtroopers. The driver exited his transport and informed one trooper about his transport run. The stormtrooper inquired about the two passengers, and Freck suggested that the soldier might want to inspect them.

While questioning Kenobi, the troopers utilized an Imperial Viper probe droid to perform a facial scan of the Jedi, prompting him to draw a blaster pistol and commence gunning down the probe droid and stormtroopers. In a state of panic, Freck remained close to his vehicle until Kenobi seized the Condluran and used him as a human shield to shoot another stormtrooper. After the soldier was killed, the Jedi incapacitated Freck with a pistol whip, subsequently escaping with Organa.

Personality and traits

Freck was a Condluran and wore brown and gray clothes with a leather jacket.

Freck possessed a friendly disposition and readily offered transportation to hitchhikers. He was a supporter of the Empire, valuing the order it maintained in the galaxy and displaying the Imperial crest on his transport. The driver fostered a positive relationship with the Imperial stormtroopers stationed on Mapuzo, providing them with transport as needed. He also exhibited an easygoing attitude toward strangers such as Obi-Wan Kenobi and Leia Organa, willingly offering them a ride and expressing that it was his pleasure. However, Freck harbored suspicions about the pair and Organa's story, leading him to suggest that the stormtroopers inspect them. Freck had light skin and black eyes.


Freck wore brown and gray attire including pants, a belt with compartments, fingerless gloves, and a leather jacket. He operated a FMR-385 cargo speeder that displayed an Imperial flag attached to the back, symbolizing his loyalty.

Behind the scenes

Zach Braff (left) practices lines while connected with Freck's animatronic head.

Freck's initial appearance was in "Part III" of the Disney+ television series Obi-Wan Kenobi, which was directed by Deborah Chow and released on June 1, 2022. The character was physically portrayed by John Rosengrant and voiced by Zach Braff, who is known for his role in the television series Scrubs. Additional individuals were involved in controlling Freck's eyebrows and eyes. Freck's costume incorporated an animatronic head that, according to Braff, operated using seventy motorized servos, with two puppeteers remotely controlling additional head movements. During a practice run with the head set, the actor rehearsed lines intended for the scene in which Kenobi used him as a shield. However, these lines were ultimately omitted from the final episode.

Much of Obi-Wan Kenobi was filmed on a set called "The Volume," which Chow showed Braff around, as Freck's actor had previously starred in the director's debut film. However, the scenes featuring Freck were shot at a desert ranch located in Irwin, California. The actor remarked to the director that viewers would likely assume that the set was still The Volume. While the landscape consisted of natural features, the surrounding mountains and additional special effects were added in post-production to enhance all of Freck's scenes. According to Braff, Rosengrant, while wearing the character's costume, required cool air to be pumped into the suit to combat the hot weather conditions. During the filming of Freck's scenes, the actor recited his lines behind the cameras while wearing the headpiece as part of the animatronic choreography, and a microphone was attached to his headpiece to project his speech for the filmed interaction with Kenobi, Organa, and the stormtroopers.

Braff, director Deborah Chow, and Josh Rosengrant (as Freck) on the Mapuzo set.

Braff expressed surprise that, due to the high level of secrecy surrounding Obi-Wan Kenobi's production, his "sides"—the scripts he used for his role in the episode, which he had hoped to keep as a souvenir—were confiscated by staff at the end of each day. Following the release of "Part III," fans reportedly mistook Braff's voice for Freck as that of the actor Seth Rogen. Braff himself discussed his role on his podcast with fellow Scrubs actor Donald Faison, who also appeared in Star Wars as the character Hype Fazon in the 2018 animated series Star Wars Resistance. He expressed his delight at being involved in the show and voiced his desire for an action figure or LEGO set featuring his character.

