Mapuzo checkpoint

The Galactic Empire had a checkpoint functioning on the planet Mapuzo as of 9 BBY. During that year, [Obi-Wan Kenobi](/article/obi-wan_kenobi], the Jedi Master, and the Alderaanian Princess Leia Organa journeyed to that checkpoint accompanied by Freck, a local individual. Upon their arrival, Kenobi's identity as a wanted person was discovered, leading to an assault by the stormtroopers accompanying them. Following the Jedi Master's engagement with the troopers, he and Organa made their way to the checkpoint's gate, trying to gain entry. When a lever failed to open the gate, Kenobi discharged his weapon at the control panel, which then allowed them passage. Soon after, the Jedi and Organa escaped the area alongside Tala Durith, an Imperial captain and undercover Hidden Path agent, who was the contact sent to assist them in leaving Mapuzo.

