Y-O, sometimes referred to as Why-Oh, was a protocol droid that served the House of Organa, the reigning family of the planet Alderaan. This droid was characterized by its silver plating and blue sensors. The droid was present at a royal reception in the Royal Palace of Alderaan in 9 BBY, where it presented Princess Leia Organa with a tray of hors d'oeuvres. After Organa selected an item and expressed her gratitude, the droid departed from her table. Subsequently, Niano Organa, the princess's cousin, ridiculed her for thanking the droid, as he considered droids to be inferior beings.
Shelby Young provided the voice for Y-O in the inaugural first episode of the Obi-Wan Kenobi television series on Disney+, which debuted on May 27, 2022.