Minas Velti

A human female known as Minas Velti achieved the rank of Jedi Master, and she was known for her skill with a green-bladed lightsaber. As the Clone Wars neared their conclusion in 19 BBY, she was training a group of Jedi younglings within the Jedi Temple located on the planet of Coruscant. During Operation: Knightfall, clone troopers belonging to the 501st Legion launched an assault on the temple. Velti made an attempt to shield the younglings but was ultimately killed during the attack.


Minas Velti defended her students during the Siege of the Jedi Temple.

During the [Clone Wars](/article/clone_wars], Minas Velti was a Jedi Master who dedicated her service to both the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic. In the year 19 BBY, Velti was guiding a group of Jedi Initiates, including Faris and Reva Sevander, through meditation exercises on a balcony inside the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, which was her homeworld. As Order 66 was being executed, which was the command instructing clone troopers to eliminate all Jedi, two troopers from the 501st Legion interrupted the training session by opening fire on Velti and her students. Velti used her lightsaber to deflect the incoming blaster bolts and killed the troopers.

The Jedi Master then led the younglings through the temple, continuing to protect them from the ongoing siege. Despite successfully cutting down numerous clones, Velti was eventually overwhelmed as she escorted the children toward the main hall. She was struck by a blaster bolt in her stomach but managed to eliminate the final clone posing an immediate threat to the children. The younglings mourned over her body before deciding they had to continue their escape. However, they soon encountered the fallen Jedi Darth Vader and were defeated by his lightsaber, with only Sevander surviving the encounter.

Personality and traits

Velti died defending Jedi Initiates.

Minas Velti was a human female characterized by her black hair, tan complexion, and brown eyes. During the assault on the Jedi Temple, Velti displayed immense courage as she tried to help her five students escape, but she was ultimately killed.

Powers and abilities

Velti possessed a strong connection to the Force and demonstrated proficiency in wielding a lightsaber, enabling her to deflect blaster fire.


Velti's equipment consisted of a green-bladed lightsaber and traditional brown Jedi robes.

Behind the scenes

The character of Minas Velti made her debut in "Part I," the inaugural episode of the television series Obi-Wan Kenobi, which was first broadcast on May 26, 2022. Although she was not named in the episode itself, the credits identified her as "Jedi Master Minas Velti," and she was portrayed by Ming Qiu. Deborah Chow, the director, personally selected Qiu for the role, and Qiu expressed her gratitude for the opportunity. On Instagram, Qiu expressed her thanks to Chow, stunt coordinator Jonathan Eusebio, the young actors who played the Jedi younglings, and the entire cast and crew.

The 2023 Topps Star Wars collectible card set, which was released on August 4, 2023, included cards of various individuals, including Velti, with their "homeworld" specified. Pablo Hidalgo of the Lucasfilm Story Group has described the use of the term "homeworld" in this context as a "poor choice" for planets with which the characters were only associated. However, this article assumes that the information provided on Velti's card is still valid.

